
发布 2023-05-21 11:14:28 阅读 4683

unit 6 man and animals


section a

1. a squirrel 2. an owl 3. a dolphin 4. a tiger sloth

6. a bat 7. a be**er 8. a lion 9. a penguin 10. an ostrich

section b

b c d c b, a d c c c

reading comprehension

2. d c a c d b










intrude ⑵ conflicts ⑶ accumulation ⑷ remote ⑸ injuring ⑹ assert ⑺ competition ⑻ instinct ⑼ evidently ⑽ scale

population, characteristic, exhibit, defense, familiar, territory, case, minute, aggressive


1. if i had to select one plan, i would not hesitate to support the latter.

2. he seemed not guilty, but the evidence suggested otherwise.

3. i warned him off going to the east coast because it was full of tourist.

4. the fact that something is cheap doesn’t necessarily mean it’s of low quality.

5. without anyone to turn to for help, it would be difficult to make an appropriate choice.

6. his sadness at the death of his wife found expression in his music.

7. only when people overcome their shyness can they live more confidently.

8. i’m not buying the children anything else today—as it is, i’ve spent far too much money.

further development

1. a b c a c, b a b b c

2. translation

1. show abnormal aggressiveness.

2. unless otherwise stated,3. this was not bad in itself,4. channel his energies into

5. far superior to others in intelligence

6. in response to

7. positive help

8. speaking of music

part 4

translation practice

1. 这种理论的核心是:我们的环境同我们的才能、性格特征和行为,即使有什么联系的话,也是微不足道的。

2. 遗憾的是,我们的呼吁没有得到响应。

3. 众所周知,肺癌至少部分是由于吸烟过多引起的。

4. 现在(人们)把话题转到一个月以前发生的**上,这是很自然的事。

5. 那位老太太解释说她在为一个女孩找一副手套。

6. 他再次提醒大家,决定这件事的不止他一个人,还有其他许多人。

7. 他们想要说明,为什么我们有某些性格特征并表现出某些行为。

8. 在这场争论中,赞成“天性”的人认为,我们的性格特征和行为模式大多是由生物因素所决定的。

9. 伽利略最光辉的业绩在于他在2023年第一个把新发明的望远镜对准天空,证实了行星是围绕太阳而不是围绕地球旋转。


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