
发布 2023-04-19 08:56:28 阅读 6608

unit 4 section b---2b

q:which three talent shows are mentioned?/menn/(被)提到。

idolgot talanted

got talent

课文原句:first,there are shows like american idol and american got are similar shows around the world,such as china’s got talant.

do talant shows h**e in common?有共同的---

they try to look for the best singers,the most talanted dancers,the most exciting magicians,the funneiest actors, and so on.

decides the winner?

when people watch the shows,they usually play a role in deciding the winner.

do some people not these shows?

because they think that the lives of the performers are made up.

do some people like these shows?

do you think of these shows?

they are fun and they give people a way to make their dreams come true.


good at=do well in擅长 be talanted in在某方面有天赋。

原句:everyoneis good at something.


答案i’m good at music

2.“it’s +adj+for sb+to do sth.” watch ”sb do sth


___always interestingother people___their talants.答案:(it’s to watch,show)

3.越来越---1)-er and –er (2)more and more---

getting more and more popular.

getting colder and colder

like talanted shows___像)china’s got talanted.

i like talanted shows例如,像)china’s got talanted..

5.“be similar to”和---相似tomhis father .

6.全世界(1)aroundthe world,(2)all over the world




9.--try to look for---

kinds of people join these shows.

can singin your class?(beautiful+ly)

12,that’s up to you to decide.“be up to”由---决定。

play a role in doing sth 发挥作用。

a good prize


—— enjoys___these shows.

部分否定:not all---not both---not everyone---

全否定:none,neither,15. the lives of---某人的生活, make up 编造。

seriously,=be serious about认真对待---

way to make their dreams come true


1)“make—do---使—做---come true实现

2) way(路,方式),后接to.

成功之路the way to success.

学英语的最好方式。the best way to learn english



most crowed most creative

most quietly


place to go to on weekends

1)名词+动词不定式+(介词)a room __live b,to live in


2)on weekends在周末。


i finish my breakfast fast because i want to get to the park early.

you finish your breakfast fast?

——ilike english,__it’s fun.

/ because c. /so d. /because

the street performers看街头表演。

your time quietly静静地享受时光。

名词+定语从句:the place where (you can) enjoy your time quietly

特殊问句:where can you enjoy your time quietly?

of +最高级+名词复数 --其中之一。

one of the coffee shops咖啡店之一(其中的一个咖啡店)



self- check部分。

big plate of dumplings一**饺子(for only five yuan)

for +**“以---**(买)”

movie ticket,电影票

get a ticket, 买票(buy sb sth=buysth for sb)



hard seats硬座位---soft seats软的座位。


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