
发布 2023-04-19 08:55:28 阅读 7179

八上 unit4

1. subway['sbwei] n. takes the subway to school.

2. train[trein] n2. take the train

3. bicycle['baisikl] n. 3. he rides his bicycle to the bus station.

4. boat[but] n4. students usually go to school by boat.

5. car[kɑ:]n5. he usually goes to school by car.

6. wants to know what she thinks

trnsp'tein] nof the transportation.

1. 名词地铁 1.他乘地铁去学校。

2. 名词火车2. 乘火车。

3. 名词自行车3. 他骑自行车去车站。

4. 名词小船4. 学生们通常乘船去学校。

5. 名词小汽车5. 他通常乘小汽车上学。

6. 名词公共交通;运输 6. 托马斯想知道她对交通运输的看法。

7. minute ['minit] n. 7. it takes 25 minutes from home to school.

8. kilometer ['kil'mi:t] n. 8. linfei’s home is about 10 kilometers fromschool.

9. mile[mail] n9. it is three miles from my home to school.

7. 名词分钟例:7.从家到学校需要花费25分钟。

8. 名词公里;千米 8. 林飞的家离学校大校大约10千米。

9. 名词英里9.从我家到学校有3英里远。

10. far [fɑ:]adj.

how 10. how far is it from your home to school?

11. quick [kwik] adj. 11. h**e a quick breakfast

12. early ['li] adj. 12. he gets u early every day.

13. north [n:θ]adj. 13. in north america

14. ill[il] adj14. she is ill in the hospital.

10. 形容词远的,遥远的

词组多远 10. 从你家到学校有多远?

11. 形容词快的,迅速的 11. 匆匆吃早饭。

12. 形容词早的,提早的 12. 他每天起床都很早。

13. 形容词北部的,北方的 13. 在美国北部。

14. 形容词生病的,不健康的 14. 她生病住院了。

15. more [m:] adj.&adv. 15. you should exercise more.

more thanshe has eaten more than three apples.

16. so [s] adv16. thank you for looking after us so well.

17. much [mt] adv17. they h**e much money.

how muchhow much do you earn a week?

15. 形容词,副词用于构成部分形容词和副词的比较级以…更;更多的(地)

例: 你应该多锻炼。


16. 副词 (表示程度)这么,那么 16. 感谢你们队我们照顾得如此周到。

17. 副词十分;非常17. 他们很有钱。


18. take[teik] v

take sth. with sb. 18. she forgot to take bag with her when she le**ed.

take offthe plane took off an hour late.

it takes sb. sometime to do sth. it takes about half an hour to school.

19. shower ['au] v19. i always shower after getting up.

20. depend][dipend] v20. children depend on their parents.

depend on=depend upondepend on yourself

21. worry[wri] v21. don’t worry. let me look at your map.

worry aboutwe worry about his health.

18. 动词花费(时间)

词组携带,拿走18. 她走的时候忘记拿走他的包。



19. 动词淋浴19. 起床后我总是洗个淋浴。

20. 动词依靠,依赖 20. 孩子们依靠父母。


21. 动词担心;忧虑;焦虑 21. 别担心。让我来看一下你的地图。


22. must [mst, mst] modal v.

that must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.

must bethen you must be my cousin.

23. than [n, n] conj. 23. my apple is bigger than him.

22. 情态动词 (表示推测)一定例:那一定比乘公共汽车有趣多了。


23. 连词 (用于形容词和副词的比较级之后)比我的苹果比他的大。

24. stop [stp] n. 24. how did you get to stop?

vi h**e to stop my work.

25. part [pɑ:t] n. 25. in other parts of the worlds

26. river [riv] n. 26. there is a river near my house.

[mi:nz] n. 27. language is a means for the expression of thoughts.

by all meansyou must get there by all means before dark.

28. town [taun] n. 28. this is a famous town.

24. 名词车站举例:24. 你怎么去车站?


25. 名词地区,区域25. 在世界的其他区域。

26. 名词河,江26. 我房子附近有一条小河。

27. 名词方法;手段;工具 27. 语言是一种表达思想的方式。


28. 名词镇;城镇28. 这是一个闻名的小镇。

29. ten [ten] num30. there are ten people in the room.

twenty [twenti:] numwe are fifty.

thirty [θti:] numcan you count from sixty to hundred?

forty ['f:ti:] numthe river is about eighty miles long.

fifty ['ffti:,'ffti] num.

sixty ['sksti:] num.

seventy ['sevnti:] num.

eighty ['eti:] num.

ninety ['nanti:] num.

hundred ['hndrd] num.

30. 数词十例:30. 房间里有十个人。







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