
发布 2023-04-18 18:52:28 阅读 8364


unit 1 my new teachers


1、体貌特征: youngold tallshort strongthin

2、性格特点: strictkind activequiet funny smart

3、who’s = who is what’s = what is she’s = she is he’s = he is it’s = it is

they’er = they are i’m = i am we’er = we are you’er = you are

4、very but mr like


principal university student from canada miss


know lady so much fun


1、who’s your music teachermr chen .

2、i h**e a new science teacher . i like himreally ? what’s he likehe’s tall and strong .

he’s very kind.

3、who’s your principalmiss linis she youngno , she’s old . she’s very funny .

4、is she quietno , she isn’t . she’s very active .

is he strictyes , he is , but he’s very kind .

5、guess ! he’s tall and thin . who’s hei know .

he’s our chinese teacheryes , you’re right .


my new teachers

i h**e three new teachers . who are they ? a science teacher , an art teacher

and an english teacher . what’s my science teacher like ? he’s thin and short . my art

teacher is tall and strong . my english teacher is young and smart .

we all like them .

unit 2 my days of the week


1、星期:monday ( mon.) tuesday (tue.) wednesday(wed.) thursday(thu.)

friday(fri.) saturday(sat.) sunday(sun.)

2、活动:do homework watch tv read books

3、day h**e what about too


wait yeah play computer games


moral education social studies tomorrow often love do housework


1、what day is it todayit’s monday. what day is tomorrowtomorrow is tuesday.

2、what do you h**e on wednesdayswe h**e english , science , computer and

i like wednesdays.

3、what do you do on saturdaysi often do my homework and paint. what about youi read books or play computer games .


my weekends

my weekends is funny and happy . on saturdays , i ofen do my homework , read books and watch tv. on sundays , i do sports , i do housework with my mother.

then , we go to the park .


unit 3 what’s your f**ourite food ?


1、食物:eggplant fish green beans tofu potato tomato

fruit grape

2、食物味道:tasty sweet sour fresh salty

3、for lunch we f**ourite


cabbage pork mutton healthy now h**e to eat


menu sound mew mew


1、what would you like for lunchi’d like some tomatoes and mutton .

2、what do you h**e for lunch on mondaysi h**e potatoes , tofu and fishwhat about youi h**e onions and green beans .

3、the apples are sweetthe potatoes are saltythe grapes are sour .

the fish is freshthey’re tasty and healthy for me !

4、what’s your f**ourite foodfish . it’s healthy.

5、 i like apples . they’re sweeti like fruit . but i don’t grapes. they’re

sour. bananas are my f**ourite.

6、do you like applesyes , i often eat them . they’re sweet and yummy.

7、do you h**e noodlesyes , we do . no . we h**e eggplant .

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