
发布 2023-04-18 18:48:28 阅读 7745



听力部分。一、 根据录音内容, 将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的选项选出来,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

)1. a. usuallyb. oftenc. sometimes

)2. a. springb. summer c. season

)3. a. playb. pianoc. park

)4. a. dinnerb. lunchc. breakfast

)5. a. morning b. afternoon c. evening

)6. a. whichb. winterc. white

)7. a. dayb. mayc. say

)8. a. skateb. make c. lake

)9. a. januaryb. junec. july

)10. a. marchb. february c. april

二、根据录音内容, 判断下面各张**的画面或句子是否与录音内容相符, 相符的在括号里打 √ 不相符的打 ×。分)

)5. i like winter best.

)6. amy’s birthday is in november.

)7. i go to bed at 9:40.

)8. i often play football on sundays.

)9. i usually h**e lunch at school

)10. there are three birthdays in september.


)1. a. i often go shoppingb. yes, we do.

c. no, i don’t.

)2. a. spring. it’s always warm. b. it’s in may.

c. it’s in winter.

)3. a. i often swimb. i often skate.

c. i often plant trees.

)4. a. because we can swim. b. because it’s cold.

c. because we can skate.

)5. it isb. yes, i am. c. yes, he is.

四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整。 (每空只填一词) (10分)

1do you h**eclass?

2. they oftenon the weekend.

3season do you like

4bill’s birthday is in

5. why do you like summeri can

五、根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错。(10 分)

) 1. there are four seasons in a year.

) 2. there are many flowers in winter.

) 3. my f**ourite season is summer.

) 4. i can make a snowman.

) 5. i don’t like winter. it’s too cold.

笔试部分。六、补全对话。(用所给出的句子把对话补充完整, 把编号填在横线上。)(10分)

lucy: hello.

amy: hi.

amylucy: i often go shopping on saturdays.

amy: this saturday is mar. 12th

lucy: i often plant trees.

amylucy: yes, i like planting trees very much.

amy: me, too

lucy: yes, you can. oh, it’s time for class. goodbye.

amya. can i go with you?

b. ok.

c. do you like planting trees?

d. what do you do on saturdays?

e. bye.

f. what do you usually do on mar. 12th

g. why do you like spring?

七、 阅读选择。(10分)

peter: what are you doing, mary?

mary: i am sending mike an e-card. when is your birthday?

peter: it’ s in march. is mike’s birthday in may?

mary: yes. it’s may 2nd.

peter: does he h**e a computer?

mary: oh, no. he doesn’t.

peter: then he won’t be able to see the card. let’s make a birthday card.

mary: good idea. everyone likes to get birthday cards.

) 1. peter’ s birthday isn’t ina .march b. april

) 2. mary __play with the computer. a .can b .can’t

) 3. mike __see the e-carda. can b. can’t

) 4. petera .makes a card b .makes a cake

) 5birthday is in may. a .mary’s b. mike’s

八、短文填空:(用所给的单词填空,每词只准用一次)(10 分)

am warm f**ourite fly like cold windy is in cool fall at )

my namelucy. i12 now. my birthday is __october.

ifall best. it’s __andi can __kites. my sister lily doesn’t likeherseason is spring.



1. ab: it’s monday today.

2. ab: it’s mar. 1st today.

3. ab: my birthday is in october.

4. a


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