
发布 2023-04-18 18:44:28 阅读 5929






)1、cake face2、fun duck

)3、egg very4、like pig

)5、tomato potato


1 ( go to school a.去睡觉 2 ( shorta.洋白菜。

)go home b.回家moral education b.豆腐。

)get upc.去上学tofuc.思想品德课。

)go to bed d.去电影院 ( wednesday d.矮的。

)go to the cinema e.起床cabbagee.星期三。

三、 从下列各组词中找出不同类的单词,并将其字母代号填入题前的括号内。(10分)

( )b. cheep c. horse d. sheep

) 2. a. gym b. computer c. art room room

) 3. a. english b. chinese c. music d. gym

) carrot b. onion c. cat d. cucumber

) 5. a. jacket b. skirt c. hen d. coat

四、选择填空。( 20 分 )

)1、look at those boots . how much __they ?

a. is b. am c. are

)2、can i wear my shirt ? yes, you

a. can b. are c. can’t

)3 it’s snowy in harbin . it is very___too .

a. cold b. rainy c. hot

)4、i want a pair___sneakers___my mother .

a. \for b. of for c. for of

)5、 _shoes are they ? they are my brother’s .

a. whose b. what c. where

)6、how many___are there in your family ?

a. student b. member c. people

)7. what would you likedinner?

a.of b. in c. for

)8. we four english classes in a week.

a. has b. h**e c there are

)9. he __mondays and fridays.

a. likesb. like c. liking

)10. is it tomorrow? it’s tuesday.

a. what’s day b. what day c. what date


) 1. is this a red kitea、yes ,please.

) much are theyb、they are fifteen yuan.

) 3. what time is itc、it’s three o’clock .

) 4. how many books are there on the desk? d、fifteen.

) 5. can i help youe 、no, it’s a blue kite.

六、连词成句 (10分)

1.your is this shirt ?

2. colour it is what ?

3. time it’s class math for .

4. cold beijing it in is .

5. many rabbits there are how ?


s __ong 强壮的 st___ct 严格的 t _st _好吃的。

qu_ _t 安静的f___day 星期五 s_ _ty 咸的

fr_ _t 水果f_ _sh 新鲜的s_ t__rd _y星期六

sm__ t 聪明的


( )1. who's your english teachera. he’s tall and strong.

( )he likeb. mr carter.

( )3. what do we h**e on mondays? c. we h**e chinese and english

( )do you do on sundaysd. i h**e rice and meat. .

)5. what do you h**e for lunch? e. i often do homework.

九、阅读下面一段话,判断下列问题, 对的打“√”错的打“×”10分)

i'm sarah. i h**e three teachers, a math teacher, an art teacher and an english teacher. my math teacher is mr.

zhou. he’s tall and strong. my art teacher is miss yu.

she's young and pretty. my english teacher is miss liu. she's thin and short.

she's very kind. i like them very much.

)1. i h**e two teachers.

)2. my art teacher is old.

)3. my english teacher is miss liu.

)4. my math teacher is tall and strong.

)5. miss liu is very strict.

参***:一. 1. √2. √3. √4. ×5. √

二.1. c, b, e, a, d2. d, c, b, e, a.

三.1. b 3. d 4. c 5. c

四.1--5 caaba 6--10 ccbab

五. 1. e 2. b 3. c

六.1. is this your shirt?

2. what color is it?

3. it's time for math class.

4. it is cold in beijing.

5. how many rabbits are there?

七.1. tr 2. ri 3. a,y 4. ie 5. ri 6. al 7. ui

八.1. b 4. e 5. d

九.1. ×2. ×3. √4. √5.×


小学五年级。上册期中试卷。一 填空。共16分,每题2分 9.7049保留两位小数是 保留整数是 0.999 还可以写作 观察一个正方体,一次最多能看到 个面。妈妈买了2千克黄瓜,每千克x元,付了b元,应找回 元。买了80本练习本,一共用去a元,每本练习本的价钱是 元。二 判断。共10分,每题2分。循...


小学五年级。2007 2008学年度第一学期期中试卷。一 填空。共16分,每题2分 9.7049保留两位小数是 保留整数是 0.999 还可以写作 观察一个正方体,一次最多能看到 个面。妈妈买了2千克黄瓜,每千克x元,付了b元,应找回 元。买了80本练习本,一共用去a元,每本练习本的价钱是 元。二 ...


五 应用题。1 五 1 班进行演讲比赛,一共有20个题目,从1到20编号,同学们进行抽签决定演讲内容。吴阳对其中的4个内容不熟悉,如果吴阳第一个抽签,他抽到熟悉的内容的可能性是多少?如果吴阳第11个抽签,不熟悉的内容已经有2个被别人抽走,这里他抽到不熟悉的内容的可能性是多少?2 客车与货车行同样长的...