PEP小学英语五年级下册期末复习提纲 4 6单元

发布 2023-04-18 18:30:28 阅读 3180


unit 4 what are you doing锛?1. drawing pictures鐢荤敾 cooking inner鍋氶キ reading books鐪嬩功 answering the phone鎺ョ數璇?

listening to music鍚煶涔?cleaning the room鎵撴壂鎴块棿 writing a letter鍐欎俊 writing a e-mail鍐欓偖浠?mom濡堝 grandpa鐖风埛 study涔︽埧 2.

杩欎簺鍫嗚瘍锛涢毦鍙ヤ綘閮戒細浣跨敤浜嗗悧? 涓what are you doing?浣犳鍦ㄥ共浠涔?

涓i am doing the dishes锛庢垜鍦ㄦ礂纰楃銆?鐜板湪杩涜鏃?鎰忎箟锛氳〃绀烘鍦ㄨ繘琛屾垨鍙戠敓鐨勫姩浣滐紝甯歌鐨勬惌閰嶆湁锛歯ow锛孡ook!

listen! 瀹冪殑鏋勬垚鏄細be(am锛廰re锛廼s) +鍔ㄨ瘝鐨刬ng褰㈠紡銆?渚嬪锛欼 am drawing pictures锛庢垜鍦ㄧ敾鐢汇?

he\she is cooking dinner锛庡ス鍦ㄥ仛楗 ?they are reading books锛庝粬浠湪鐪嬩功銆?涓it's chen jie鎴戞槸闄堟磥銆傝繖鏄墦鐢佃瘽鐢ㄨ 锛岀敤鏉ヤ粙缁嶈嚜宸便傚畠绛変簬 this is chen jie=this is chen jie speaking鍗冧竾涓嶈兘璇存垚锛欼 am chen jie锛?

涓what is your father doing? 浣犵埜鐖稿湪骞蹭粈涔?- 涓he's writing an e-mail锛庝粬鍦ㄥ啓鐢靛瓙閭欢銆備互涓婅繖涓ゅ彞閮芥槸鐜板湪杩涜鏃躲?

涓grandpa is writing a letter锛嶣rother is doing homework锛嶮om is cooking dinner in the kitchen锛庣埛鐖锋鍦ㄥ啓淇°傚摜鍝ュ湪鍋氬姛璇俱傚濡堝湪鍘ㄦ埧閲屽仛楗 ?unit 5 look at the monkeys 1 鑳藉惉銆佽銆佽銆佸啓涓嬮潰鐨勭殑鍗曡瘝? flying椋?


swimming娓告吵 kangaroo琚嬮紶 sleep鐫¤ climb鐖?fighting鎵撴灦 swinging鑽$ 鍗?drinking water鍠濇按 2 杩欎簺闅捐瘝銆侀毦鍙ヤ綘閮戒細浣跨敤浜嗗悧?

涓look at the tiger锛庣湅杩欏彧鑰佽檸銆?涓i see the mother elephant锛庢垜鐪嬭浜嗗ぇ璞″ 濡堛?mother elephant锛氳薄濡堝锛屼笉鑳借鎴愶細elephant mother baby kangaroo锛氳榧犲疂瀹濓紝涓嶈兘璇存垚锛歬angaroo baby 鈥昗hat is it doing?

瀹冨湪骞蹭粈涔? 瀹冪殑鍥炵瓟鏄細it's+鍔ㄨ瘝鐨刬ng褰㈠紡銆傝繖鏄富璇槸绗笁浜虹о鍗曟暟鐨勭幇鍦ㄨ繘琛屾椂銆備緥濡傦細it's eating bananas锛庡畠鍦ㄥ悆棣欒晧銆?涓do you see any elephants?

浣犵湅瑙佷竴浜涘ぇ璞″悧? -that elephant is drinking water with is trunk锛庨偅鍙 ぇ璞$敤瀹冪殑璞¢蓟鍠濇按銆俉ith锛氬拰鈥︹︿竴璧凤紝鐢ㄣ傚湪杩欓噷鏄滅敤鈥濈殑鎰忔濄?涓what are the elephants doing?

澶ц薄浠湪骞蹭粈涔? 涓they are drinking.瀹冧滑鍦ㄥ枬姘淬備互涓婁袱鍙ユ槸涓昏鏄鏁扮殑鐜板湪杩涜鏃躲備緥濡傦細what are they doing?

they are sleeping. 涓what do you see? i see two elephants锛庝綘鐪嬭浜嗕粈涔?

鎴戠湅瑙佷簡涓ゅ彧澶ц薄銆傝繕瑕佹敞鎰忥細what can you see?瀹冪殑鍥炵瓟鏄細i can see two elephants锛?unit 6 a field trip 1.

浣犺兘鍚佽銆佽銆佸啓涓嬮潰鐨勭殑鍗曡瘝鍚楋紵 taking pictures鐓х浉 watching insects瑙傚療鏄嗚櫕 picking up le**es閲囨憳鏍戝彛鍗?doing an experiment鍋氬疄楠?catching butterflies鎹夎澊铦?

counting insects鏁版槅铏?collecting le**es鏀堕泦鏍戝彛鍗?writing a report鍐欐姤鍛?

playing chess鎹夋 h**ing a picnic鍘婚噹椁?honey铚傝湝 2锛庤繖浜涢毦璇嶃侀毦鍙ヤ綘閮戒細浣跨敤浜嗗悧锛?涓what is mike doing'?

杩堝厠鍦ㄥ共浠涔? 涓he's watching insects锛庝粬鍦ㄨ 瀵熸槅铏 ?涓they are in the woods锛庝粬浠湪鏍戞灄閲屻?

woods锛氭爲鏋?in the forest锛氬湪妫灄銆?--are they catching butterflies?

浠栦滑鍦ㄦ崏铦磋澏鍚?杩欐槸they are catching butterflies鐨勪竴鑸枒闂彞銆傚畠鐨勮偗瀹氬洖绛旀槸锛歒es锛宼hey are锛庡惁瀹氬洖绛旀槸锛歂o锛宼hey aren't锛?涓are you eating lunch?


杩欐槸鈥淚 am eating lunch锛庘濇垨鑰呪淲e are eating lunch锛庘欌欑殑涓鑸枒闂彞銆傚畠鐨勮偗瀹氬洖绛旀槸锛歒es锛孖 am锛庯技yes锛寃e are锛庡惁瀹氬洖绛旀槸锛歂o锛孖 am not锛庯技no锛寃e aren't锛?涓is he taking pictures?浠栧湪鐓х浉鍚?

杩欐槸he is taking pictures锛庣殑涓鑸枒闂彞銆傚畠鐨勮偗瀹氬洖绛旀槸锛歒es锛宧e is锛庡惁瀹氬洖绛旀槸锛歂o锛宧e isn't锛?涓is she counting insects?濂瑰湪鏁版槅铏悧?

杩欐槸she is counting insects鐨勪竴鑸枒闂彞銆傚畠鐨勮偗瀹氬洖绛旀槸锛歒es锛宻he is.鍚﹀畾鍥炵瓟鏄細no锛宻he isn鈥檛锛?


五年级下册期末试题。听力部分 30分 一 选择你听到的单词,把序号填在括号内。5分 b.soon c.noon d.spoon b.tell c.till d.tool 3.a.hers b.hear d.her c.litter d.later fall d.fell...


一 单选题。选出正确的答案填在括号里10分 1 wh n a e b o c a d i 2 week nd a o b e c i d a 3 spr ng a e b o c i d a 4 s nny a e b i c a d u pep小学五年级下册期末英语试题pep小学五年级下册期末英语...


listening part 听力部分 40 一 将正确的词或词组填入下面句子的横线上,把句子补充完整,每组句子读两遍。1 i usually get up 6 00.2is your f ourite season 3do you like summer best 4is your birthda...