
发布 2023-04-18 18:27:28 阅读 5571





( 1. a. play b. peach c. rain ( 2. a. bear b. air c. green

) 3. a. speed b. sky c. skate ( 4. a. chair b. bear c. ear

) 5. a. great b. glue c. grow ( 6. a. doing b. count c. picking

) b. insect c. tiger ( b. summer c. spring

) 9. a. flying b. jumping c. walk ( 10. a. catch b. play c. insect

二。单项选择。(20 分)

( )are you doing ? we are __

a. play chess b. playing chess c. playing the chess

)2___are they? they are in the woods .

a. how b. where c. what

) 3. they are picking __le**es.

a. up b. to c. on

( )s your f**ourite season

a. swimming b. fly kite c. fall

) you see? b. are c. about

( )mother elephant is walking ._about the baby elephant?

a. what b. where c. who

( )i speak __your mom, please?

a. in b. to c. at

( )a call __you. a. for b. at c. on

( )the date

a. june 15th b. monday c. yesterday

( )is beautiful, _it’s too___for me

a. but ;warm b. and ;cold c. but ;cold


i ) are you doinga. it’s jumping .

) is mike doingb. no, she isn’t

) is it doingc. we are h**ing picnic.

( )4. are they reading a book? d. he is counting insects.

( )she taking picturese. yes, they are.


( )1.如果你想问别人:“你正在干什么?”你应该说:

a. what are you ? b. what are doing ?


a. wait b. hold on , please.

3.你在**里要告诉对方你是mike 时,你应该说:

a. hello, i’m mike this is mike.

4. 当你想知道小明正在干什么,你该怎么说:

a. what is she doing ? b. what is he doing ?

5. 当我想表达:他们正在采摘树叶,我应该说:

a. they are picking up le**es. b. they are pick up le**es.


i see two elephants.

can you see the monkeys?

what are they doing?

what do you see?

they are eating bananas.

六.写出下列动词的ing 形式。(20)


1. is what doing she

2. a letter writing grandpa is

3. running is that tiger

4. there’s a call you for

5. what you doing are


i’m amy .i’m from america. today is saturday. my father is

reading news*****s. he is a teacher. my mother is washing clothes.

she works in a hospital. i’m doing my homework in the study. after

lunch, my mother and i will go shopping .i want to buy a storybook

in a bookstore.


) 1. i’m amy .i’m an america girl.

) 2. tomorrow is saturday.

) 3. my father works in a school.

) 4. my mother is cooking lunch now.

) 5. i’m doing my homework in the living room.


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