五年级英语 下 期末模拟试卷及解析 人教版 1

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笔试部分。一. 填写字母,组成单词并连线。

se一月 ay第二。

3. tumn第九 son九月。

ry周末 d兴奋地。


kend秋天 ted季节。

二. 选择划线部分发音不同的一个单词。

1. a. what b. whichc. whose

) 2. a. brother b. brownc. library

) 3. a. often b. goc. october

) 4. a. china b. teacherc. christmas

) 5. a. plant b. cleanc. clock

三. 写出下列单词的相应形式。

1. five ( 序数词2. h**e ( 第三人称单数。

3. sun ( 形容词性物主代词4. i ( 名词性物主代词。

5. hot ( 反义词6. we ( 宾格。

7. aren’t ( 完全形式8. sea ( 同音词。

9. watch ( 第三人称单数10. write ( 现在分词。

四. 左右搭配填序号。

( )1. new year’s daya. october 1st

( )2. teachers’ dayb. june 1st

( )3. tree planting dayc. september 10th

( )4. children’s dayd. january 1st

( )5. china’s national day e. march 12th

五. 给下列单词分类。

1. 基数词:

2. 序数词:

3. 名词性物主代词。

4. 月份:


六. 给问句找答语,填序号。

( )1. when do you finish class in the morning? a. yes, we do.

( )2. why are you shopping todayb. it’s on the second sunday in may.

( )3. which season do you like best? c. because my mum worked last night.

( )4. do you like the music, childrend. we finish class at 1 o’clock.

( )5. when is mother’s daye. winter.

( )6. are these all oursf. no, he isn’t.

( )7. whose book is thatg. of course!

( )8. is he drinking waterh. yes, they are.

( )9. where is fidoi. it’s amy’s book.

( )10. can you take him to the park? j. he’s in the kitchen.

七. 单项选择题。

( )1do you go to school?

a. how, at b. when, at c. what, in

( )2. what do you dosundays?

a. onb. inc. at

( )3your sistersinging and dancing?

a. do, like b. does, like c. do, likes

( )4your f**ourite season?

a. whatb. what’sc. which

( )5. i hope you can come and shareus.

a. some with b. any withc. some and

( )6do you get up in the morning?

at 7 o’clock.

a. what day b. what datec. what time

( )7is the fifth month of the year?

a. march b. mayc. april

( )8. today is my birthday.

a. thank you. b. happy birthday. c. you’re welcome.

) 9. this is notbagis green.

a. hers, hers b. hers, herc. her,hers

) 10. the fish isin the river.

a. flying b. jumpingc. swimming

八. 选择正确的选项补全对话。

sue: hello, john! 1

john: i like winter best.

sue: 2

john: because i can play in the snow and make a snowman.

sue: i don’t like winter. 3 i only want to stay at home and sleep a long time.

john: what’s your f**ourite season?

sue: 4

john: why?

sue: because i can eat ice cream. 5

a. why do you like winter?

b. which season do you like best?

c. my f**ourite season is summer.

d. it’s too cold.

e. i can swim in the lake, too.

九. 阅读短文。根据短文内容判断,正确写(t),错误写(f)。


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一 试题分析。一 试题的结构和内容分布。本试卷包括填写单词 对号入座,情景选择,选同义句,连词组句,根据图意写单词,选句子完成对话,以及阅读判断等多种题型。内容丰富 覆盖面全。试卷的特点等方面。二 试题的特点 1 注重基础知识的考查。试卷坚持依据于课本,但又避免对教材中机械的知识进行生搬硬套,对于一...