
发布 2022-05-15 19:59:28 阅读 8433


1、home do2、towel know ( 3、great cake ( 4、children child (


1、新年2、追赶3、太阳和月亮4、画五个五角星5、this morning 6、how to open the tin

7、a map of the world8、help me do housework

六、选择填空: 选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。

)1. are thereflowers in the garden ?a. some b. any c. a

)2. i livebaoyingmy parents .

a. on , and b. in , and c. in , with

)3. here a telescopeyou .a. is , to b. are , for c. is , for

)4. look! the bees(蜜蜂们in the flowers.

a. danceb. dancing c. are dancing

)5. i’d likefootball after school .

a. playing b. to play c. play

)6is mike doing ? he’s sweeping the floor .

a. where b. whose c. what

)7. mike and d**id are playing basketball. let’s go and join

a. himb. them c. us

)8. we are showing our things each other .

a. to b. at c. for

) is the sun ? it’s a circle .

a. shape b. colour c. time

)10. what the students ?a. does , has b. do , has c. do , h**e

)11. how manyand are there in this picture ?

a. rectangle , diamond b. stars , circle c. diamonds , ********s

)12. why you go to school today ?a. isn’t b. don’t c. doesn’t

)13. i don’t likepictures .a. draw b. to draw c. drawing

)14. i get upsevensundays .

a. at ; onb. at ; inc. in ; on

( )15. –what shape is the man’s head in the picture?

a. it’s a ********b. it’s a squarec. it’s a circl


)1、what do you doing ? i’m watching tv

a b c )2、the children is running in the playground

a b c )3、tom’s brothers has six dogs

ab c )4、are there any juice on the desk

a bc )5、i like playing the football with my friends

a b c八、翻译句子: 根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。(1’×8=8’)


what does mikehea telescope .

2、你要去**? 我要去图书馆。

are youi’m going to the library .


don’t forget write your name the card .


showhowdo the puzzle .




it’s half past seven in the morning. the telephone rings and mary goes to answer it.

hello. who’s that?” she asks.

it’s me, peter.” peter is a friend of mary’s eight-year-old brother john.

oh, hello, peter. what do you want?” says mary.

can i speak to john?”

no.” says mary, “you can’t speak to him now. he’s getting ready for(为…做准备)school.

he’s eating his breakfast. grandmother is combing(梳) his hair. father is under the table, putting his shoes on.

mother is getting his books and putting them in his school bag. goodbye, i h**e to go now, i h**e to open the door. the school bus is coming.

) 1. how old is john? a. sevenb. eightc. we don’t know.

) 2. what is john doing?

a. he’s putting on his shoes. b. he’s speaking to peter. c. he’s h**ing breakfast.

) 3. who’s combing john’s hair?a. maryb. mother. c. grandmother.

) 4. how do john and mary go to school?a. on foot. b. by bus. c. by bike.


演马小学五年级下册英语期末模拟题c 一 请用手写体在四线格上抄写单词 4分 grandpa jump everyone thanksgiving honey walk fly swing二。根据图示将单词补充完整。每词2分,共10分 su mer sl p bir day flj mp三。请你为下列...


2011 2012学年第二学期期末检测试题。五年级英语。时间 70分钟总分 100分制卷 邝祖丽 听力部分 50分 一 听录音,将含有所听音素的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。2分 二 听录音,将未听到的单词的编号填入括号里。念两遍。5分 三 听录音,将录音句子中包含的词组的编号填入括号里。念两遍。5...


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