
发布 2022-05-15 19:58:28 阅读 3673





1. i don’t like grapes,because they’re sour.

you wash the clothes?


( )1、a. tasty b. sour c. thin d. salty

( )2、a. bedroom b. closet c. kitchen d. bathroom

)3、a. in b. old c. on d. under

( )4、a. curtain b. trash bin d. mirror

( )5、a. fish b. tofu


1.there is annear my bed.

2. my f**ourite day is

3. i h**e somefor lunch.

4. she is anteacher.

5.i can


( )stroy book

( )class



do not(缩略形式watch tv(中文。


) fish is very___give me some water,please!

a. saltyb. fresh c. healthy

) 2. is he tallhe’s short.

a. yes, he is. b. no, he isn’t. c. no, he is.

) 3. what’s __chinese teacher like?

a. youb. yourc. you’re

( )4. i often watch tv __saturday .

a. onb. inc. at

) 5. i like don’t like music.

a. butb. and c. so

) 6. this is __apple. it is___red apple.

a. a, ab. an, anc. an, a

( )7.—what___you like? i’d like some apples.

( )that young lady?

tall and thin. our is from usa.

( )first day of a week is

( )are my f**ourite __


) tva.洗衣服。

( )the bedb.放风筝。

( )footballc.做家务。

( )the trashd.浇花。

( )the clothese.铺床。

( )6.water the flowersf.摆碗筷。

( )the tableg.踢足球。

( )the windowsh.擦窗户。

( )kitesi.倒垃圾。

( )houseworkj.看电视。


1. you thursdays do h**e what on (

2. the can bed you make (

3. clothes are closet the many in (

a mirror there the over bed (.

5. i like grapes don’t (

九、选择合适的句子,将对话补充完整, 并将字母编号填在横线上。(每句2分,共10分。)

ab: i h**e two new teachers.

ab: i h**e two new teachers.

ab: an english teacher, a music teacher and a computer teacher.

a: is your music teacher smart?

ba: what can she do ?

ba: what’s her f**ourite fruit?


i h**e a new flat. there is a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms in it. come and h**e a look at my bedroom.

there is an air conditioner over the desk. there is an end table and a closet near the bed. and there is a picture over the bed.

i h**e a trash bin behind the door. i empty the trash every day. look!

what’s under the desk? there is a chair. i love my bedroom.

i clean my bedroom on sundays.

) are two end tables in my bedroom.


年级 班级 姓名 1.老的 年纪大的 2.年轻的 3.滑稽的 可笑的 4.体贴的 慈祥的 5.严格的 严厉的 6.有礼貌的 客气的 7.工作努力的 辛勤的 8.有用的 愿意帮忙的 9.聪明的 聪颖的 10.羞怯的 怕生的 11.我们的 12.有时侯 13.他 用作宾语或表语 14.星期一 15.星期...

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