
发布 2023-04-18 16:49:28 阅读 7901


1. this weekend 这个周末 2. i don’t know 我不知道。

3. i think so 我也这样认为 4. all right 没事,没问题。

5. make a list of things to do 列一个要做事情的清单。

6. safe trip 旅行安全,一路顺风 7. feel nervous 感觉到紧张。

重点句型:1. where are you going this weekend, sam?


2. when are you going to get up ?


3. mum ,what did you say to me ?


4. are you ready for your trip tomorrow ?


5. i’m going to meet you in new york .


6. you can make a list of things to do .


7. what are you going to take ? 你将要带什么东西?

8. when are you going to the airport?


9. who’s going to the airport with you ?



1. arrive there 到那 2. at the airport 在机场。

3. take a yellow taxi 乘坐一辆黄色出租车。

4. lots of tall building 许多高大的建筑物。

5. find out 找到、发现。

6. a big exciting word 一个令人激动的大世界。

7. by plane 乘飞机 8. h**e a party 举办一个聚会。

9. sing a song 唱一首歌 10. play a game 玩个游戏。

11. make a plan 制作一个计划 12. at the zoo 在动物园里。

13. take lots of photos 照了许多**。

重点句型:1. i’m in new york now. 我现在在纽约。

2. this is my new pet. 这是我的新宠物。

3. it speaks english too. 它也会讲英语。

4. grandma and cousin simon met me at the airport .


5. we took a yellow taxi to their home.


6. i want to find out more about the us.


7. i will write again soon . 我很快将会再给你们写信的。

8. i will tr**el by plane ,again and again.


10. we’re going to h**e a party . he’s going to sing a song. i’m going to play a game.


11. make a plan for the weekend. 为这个周末制作一个计划。

12. i’m going to take bread and juice. 我将要带面包和果汁。

13. there are some funny animals at the zoo.


14. i want to take lots of photos. 我想要照许多**。



1. laugh a lot 大笑2. children’s theatre 儿童剧院。

3. lots of jokes 许多笑话 4. after the show 演出之后。

5. be ready for 为…做好准备 6. your trip to the us 你的美国之旅。

重点句型:1. we laughed a lot . 我们大笑。

2. i’ve got two letters in english . 我收到两封英文信。

3. last week we went to a children’s theatre.


4. the men wore women’s clothes . 男人穿着女人的衣服。

5. the actors told lots of jokes . 演员讲了很多笑话。

6. after the show we went to a restaurant.


7. we all ate hamburgers and chips .


8. are you ready for your trip to the us.



1. borrow some books 借一些书 2. buy some books 买一些书。

3. in three weeks 在三周后 4. chinese history 中国历史。

5. ask you some questions 问你一些问题。

6. borrow a bike for you 为你借了一辆自行车。

7. listen to 听8. in the evening 在晚上。

9. see you soon 再见 10. a long way 很长一段距离。

11. write a letter 写信

重点句型:1. but he didn’t read at all. 但是一点也没有读。

2. we are going to see you in three weeks. 我们将在三周后见到你。

3. dad read a book about chinese history.爸爸读了关于中国历史的书。

4. he is going to ask you some questions . 他将要问你一些问题。

5. and we borrowed a bike for you. 并且我们为你借了一辆自行车。

6. don’t forget to bring some cds of chinese songs.


7. we can listen to them in the evening . 我们可以在晚上听它们。

8. read lily’s story and help her write a letter to her cousin mary.




a ***** fish for her 给它做个纸鱼

2. what present 什么礼物 3. what about …怎么样。

4. good idea /great idea好主意 5. be windy 有风。

6. i think so 我想是这样

重点句型:1. i’ll make a ***** fish for her. 我将为她做个纸鱼。

2. i’am going to visit my cousin in new york.


3. what present can i take ? 我可以带什么礼物呢?

4. what about a toy panda? 一个玩具熊猫怎么样呢?

think he’s got a toy panda . 我想他有一个玩具熊猫。

it be windy in new york ? 在纽约会刮风吗?

you help me你会帮助我吗?

8. thank you for your help . 谢谢你的帮助。

9. you can write the chinese word for “dragon” on it.



1. draw a dragon 画一条龙 2. cut the ***** 剪纸。

3. make a kite 做一个风筝 4. a piece of yellow *****一张黄色的纸。

sticks on it 安装上小木棍。

6. tie strings to it 系上绳子 7. in the sky 在空中。

8. above the clouds 在云朵之上 9. nobady knows 没人知道。

10. go swimming 去游泳

重点句型:1. i made a kite for my siser. 我给我妹妹做了个风筝。

2. i drew a dragon on a piece of yellow *****.


3. what did lingling do ? 玲玲做了什么?

4. where is it going ? 它将要去哪?

5. what will you do tomorrow ? 你明天将要做什么?

6. i’ll go swimming tomorrow . 我明天将要去游泳。

7. how do you make a dragon kite ? 你怎样做一个龙风筝?


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