
发布 2023-03-19 17:37:28 阅读 1859

unit 1 在某时间所做的事情。

1、 when do you get up ?你什么时候起床?--i get up at 8: 30. 我八点半起床的。

知识点: 具体时间(几点)前用at

2、 what do you do on the weekend ? 周末你干什么?i often + 所做的事情(我通常….)

climb mountains爬山 go shopping 去购物 play the piano 弹钢琴 go hiking 去远足。

visit grandparents看望爷爷奶奶。

知识点:( usually i…. sometimes i ….i often….)所以often 不能放句首。

3、in on at的运用。

1、in +月份(in january); 年(in 1987); 早中晚(in the morning,in the afternoon ,in the evening);+国家名称:in spain在西班牙。

2、at+几点钟(at 4:00 o’clock)

3、on+星期(on monday; on the weekend等);

几月几号(on january 3rd);

岛屿上:i live(居住) on an island.

i often go swimming with my brother.

is good at擅长于例如:i am good at sports.

4、频度副词:always > usually> often> sometimes

总是) (通常)( 经常) (有时)

sometimes he cleans his c**e.


clean clock class clever

plate eggplant please play

unit 2 季节。

1、what’s your f**ourite season ?你最爱的季节是什么?

2、which season do you like best?你最喜欢的季节是什么?-i like winter best .我最喜欢冬天。

3、why do you like summer ? 你为什么喜欢夏天?--because i can swim in the lake .因为我能在湖里游泳。

知识点:can 后面用动词的原形。

4、do you like the music?你喜欢**吗?--yes.是的。

5、which season do you like best?你最喜欢什么季节—spring.春天。

6、why?为什么?--because spring is beautiful.

7、spring is green with flowers and songs.

summer is hot and the days are long.

autumn is golden and farmers are busy.

winter is white and the year is gone.


brown library brother umbrella

green grapes grandpa grow

9、why为什么?--because when何时? who谁? what什么?

where**? which哪一个?

why do you like spring best?--because the weather is nice.

which season do you like best?—i like spring best.

when do you go to school?—i go to school at 8o’clock.

what do you often do on the weekend?—i often go shopping.

where is your photo?—it’s on the wall.

unit 3-4 月份生日。


1、 when is your birthday ?你的生日是什么时候?--it’s in may. 它在五月(月份前用in)

2、 my birthday is in june . 我的生日是在六月。

3、 when is your mother’s birthday ?你妈妈的生日是什么时候?--it’s in june.

4、 what will you do for your mom?你将要为你妈妈做什么?--i will make a birthday card for her.




<1,2,3变成第1--first 第二—second 第三--third没有规律需要特殊记,从4开始变成第几,都要在后面加上th ,如:four- fourth ,five—fifth , six—sixth, seven-seventh>

(2)8少t ,9少e,你可千万别忘记;(eight-eighth ;nine- ninth )

< 8变成第8,要把原来的t去掉然后加上th ,9变成第9要把e去掉再加th>

3)若是遇见整十数,去y为ie + th ; 如twenty- twentieth ,sixty-sixtieth )

整十的数字,变成第几十要把结尾的y去掉变成ie再加上th >

5、 teacher’s day is in september.

new year’s day is in january.

china’s national day is in october.

american thanksgiving day is in november .

christmas is in december.

children’s day is in june.

tree planting day is in march.

winter vacation is in january and february.寒假是在一月和二月。

summer vacation is in july and august.暑假是在七月和八月。(and是“和”的意思)

mid-autumn day is in september or october.(or是“或者”的意思,中秋节在九月或者十月)

6、 ch和sh发音不同。

china chicken lunch teacher

sheep fish shirt shorts

7、 th 有两种发音。

第一种清辅音:数字学科等three thin thirteen maths birthday fifth

第二种浊辅音:①家庭成员:mother father brother grandmother grandfather

这,那,这些,那些等:this这 that 那 these 这些 those那些 there那儿。

the they他们。

unit 5-6 物主代词和进行时1

1、 his dog---his her dog --hers their dog --theirs

our dog --ours my dog---mine zoom’s dog


what are you doing ?你正在干什么?--i am cooking dinner 我正在做饭。

词组: eat--eating drink--drinking climb--climbing play---playing

sleep--sleeping jump--jumping drink--drinking

drawing pictures正在画画 doing morning exercises正在做早操 reading a book

eating lunch正在接** cooking dinner 正在做饭 listening to music正在听**。


2、(能提问某个单数的人正在做什么以及对应的回答 )

what is your father doing ?你的爸爸正在干什么—he is writing a letter .他正在写一封信。

补充:**用语—在打**时, 介绍自己要说it’s …或者this is …而不能说i am …

unit 5现在进行时 2

1、 what is he \ she \ it doing ? 提问某个人正在干什么 ?he \ she \ it is + 现在分词。

因为主语是单数,所以用is )

2、 what are they doing ?-它们正在干什么 ?they’re \they are swimming . 它们正在游泳(主语是复数时,要用are)

unit 6现在进行时 3

1、 are you eating lunch ?你们正在吃中饭吗—no , we aren’t .不,我们没有。

2、 are they eating the honey ?它们正在吃蜂蜜吗 ?yes, they are . 是的,它们是在吃蜂蜜。

3、 is he playing chess ? 他正在下棋吗?yes ,he is .


语言知识点 wrong wrong用作形容词,意为 有毛病的 举例 what swrongwithyou?你 不舒服?练习 他 不舒服。what swrongwithhim?拓展 1 与something,anything,nothing等连用,表示 出事 有毛病 例如 thereissomethi...


语言知识点 wrongwrong用作形容词,意为 有毛病的 举例 what s wrong with you?你 不舒服?练习 他 不舒服。what s wrong with him?拓展 1 与g,anythingg等连用,表示 出事 有毛病 例如 tg wrong with you.你看起来有些...


外研社三年级起点五年级上册英语知识点归纳。小学五年级英语上册知识点梳理。module 1 短语 come back 回来 come back from 某地从某地回来。2 look at sb stn 看某人 某物。3 wait for sb 等候某人。4 hurry up 赶快。5 by bus ...