
发布 2023-04-18 11:49:28 阅读 1430






) 1. cousinmusic2. lunchjump

) 3. yearsorry4. waterwindow

) 5. swimhis

二、根据句意,选择方框中合适的词语填空, 每词仅用一次。( 7分)

1. welcome to my school! look, the art room is on the

2. tom is my e-friend. heaustralia.

3. i can play football well, but i am notswimming.

4. what a beautiful housethree bedrooms in it.

5. a: what does your father do, su hai?

b: my father is a doctor. he helps

6. mike’s dogand a short tail.

7. su yang and i likekitty so much.


1. she likes读故事书) .

2. there is a bear在她旁边).

3. my father教数学) at school.

4. can you sing一首英文歌)?

5. let’s go fishing明天早上).

四、单项选择 (20分)

) 1. there aren’tswings in the school. so we can’t play on the swings.

a. someb. anyc. a

) 2. —i’m very thirstysome juice for you.

a. here’sb. here’rec. they’re

3. it’s too cold outside. you canyour coat.

a. putb. put onc. take off

4. look at the cute pig on the farm. itfour legs and a short tail.

a. h**eb. hasc. is

5. yang ling often __to the cinema .

a. gob. visitsc. goes

6. what do you usually dochristmas

a. onb. inc. at

7. jack is my e-friend. he is from the us. he speaks

a. englishb. chinac. canada

8. i like drawing in the

a. music roomb. art roomc. table tennis room

9. there are so many cars in the street(街道上). your mothergo now.

a. canb. isn’tc. can’t

) 10. when the summer sun comes out, we should carry

a. a bookb. a hamburgerc. an umbrella


1. he’s a nicecook). he cancook) nice food.

2. i always goshop) with my family.

3. mary___dance) very well. she has___dance)lessons at school.

4. let’s go andh**e) a picnic now.

5. autumn is thethree) season of a year.

6. we all like playing withhe).


1. there are some mangoes in the basket.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答。)

___theremangoes in the basket? no, there

2. d**id is sitting behind tom. (改为同义句)

tom is sittingd**id.

3. tom usually goes fishing with his father.(改为一般疑问句)

___tom usuallywith his father.

4. su yang has a big lunch on christmas day. (改成否定句)

su yanga big lunch on christmas day.

5. wang bing and mike like playing table tennis. (对划线部分提问)

wang bing and mike like

6. sometimes, go, their, sundays, parents, to, they, with, on, zoo, the. (连词成句)


1. 在那两棵大树中间有个秋千。

there is a swingthe two big

2. 操场上有多少个学生?

how manythere in the playground?

3. 他是名作家。他在家写作。

he is aheat home.

4. 周末,他们常常去公园放风筝。

theykites in the park at weekends.

5. 猴子有长腿长手臂。

monkeys h**e longand long

6. 请把书放到书包里。

your bookyour school bag, please.

八、看图完成下列对话,每空一词。( 12分)

1. a: christmas eve comes. what do you usually do?

b: we often putthings on the christmas

a: do you go to seechristmas?

b: of course we do. we all like him.

2. a: what do they usually doweekends?

b: they usuallytheir


2017 2018学年第一学期期初测试。五年级语文试题。学校班级学号姓名。完成时间 70分钟满分 100分 书写10分 一 小作文20分。1 设计昆虫名片 仿照 动物名片 海龟 从 昆虫记 一书中选择一种昆虫,设计一张名片。10分 动物名片 海龟。你们可能在电视里和水族馆中见过我,我的名字叫海龟,个...


c孔子 师童问 礼 粉骨碎身全不怕,要留清白在人间 d祁黄羊 出以公心外举不避仇,内举不避亲。三 按要求写句子。15 1.例如 仙女在空中抖动着锦缎。美丽的 仙女抖动着 五彩斑斓 的锦缎。燕子在天空中掠过。2.根据词语的不同意思造句。a 自然 天然的,原来就有的。b 自然 不造作,不勉强,不呆板。3...


完成时间 40分钟总分 100分 班级姓名学号 一 语音。10分 找出句中含有与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词,写在下面横线上。6分 1.this kite is so nice.let s go to the park and fly it.big2.dad,where are my cap an...