
发布 2023-04-18 11:39:28 阅读 3376



一、 语音。(10分)

. 找出句中含有与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词,写在下面横线上。(6分)

1. this kite is so nice. let’s go to the park and fly it.

big2. dad, where are my cap and bag? look, they’re on the table.

cat. 从方框中选出下列句子中画线部分字母的音标,将序号填在横线上。

4分)1kate, come and make a grape cake.

2we see green trees in the park.

3helen’s red pen is on the desk.

4it’s so cold today. please close the door.


1. look at su hai’s手套). they are too大).

2. —w can you see in the公园)?

i can see some花朵).

3. it’s c___in autumn. let’s go con this星期六).

4. what l___does su yang h**e on w___afternoon?

5. w___football is this? it’s m___football.


) 1. the shorts are nice. trymike.

a. thisb. thesec. that

) 2. boys and girlsis the first day of a week.

a. mondayb. sundayc. tuesday

) 3. i can see a pig over there. can you draw

a. theyb. themc. it

) 4. i’m thirsty. i want

a. a pieb. to eat a piec. to h**e some water

) 5jacket is this? —mike’s.

a. who’sb. whoc. whose

) 6. it’s nine o’clock. it’s time

a. to bedb. for go to bedc. to go to bed

) 7 . let’sover there. —good idea.

a. drawing pictures b. to draw pictures c. draw pictures

) 8 . look, i can see a boatthe river.

a. onb. inc. under

) 9. —can i h**e __milk?

sure. here __some milk for you.

a. any; isb. some; arec. some; is

) 10. it is __in summer. i can

a. cool; fly a kite b. cold; make snowmen

c. hot; eat an ice cream

) 11i’m hungry.

a.what would you likeb. what can you do?

c. what’s the matter?

) 12. 选出下列句子朗读符号标注正确的一项。

a. —is this a ball, sam(↗)yes, it is(↗)

b. —try this dress(↘)ok. is it nice (↘

c. —what can you do (↘i can skate (↘


1. —letwe) go to the park. —ok.

2. yoube) right. benbe) wrong.

3. can youcome) to school tomorrow?

4. i want to goswim).

5. it’s mybrother) birthday today.

6. —how manybox) do you h**e? —twelve.

7. can you see___he) new shirt?


1. play, school, we, after, football ( 连词成句,注意大小写和标点。)

2. winter, it, cold, is, in ( 同上)

3. he can skate. (对划线部分提问)

can he

4. today is thursday.(对画线部分提问)

is it today?

5. i like pe and art. (对画线部分提问)

do you like?

6. we h**e some lessons today. (改为否定句)

weh**elessons today.

7. i get up at six. (对画线部分提问)

you get up?

8. i h**e a dancing lesson today.(用she替换i)

a dancing lesson today.

9. 我通常在七点半看电视。

i usuallyat

六、根据**信息,帮助mike回答yang ling的问题,要求答句完整。


1. a: what’s theill?

b: no, i’m thirsty.

a: oh, dear. here’s awateryou.

b: thank you, mum.

2. a: come andsome hamburgers, helen.

b: i’ mhungry. i’ m tired.

a: go to __now.

bright. good night, dad.

a: good night.


this is mary’s room. it’s big and bright. we can see 1 kites on the front wall (前墙), a big one and a small one.

on the back wall (后墙),there’s a clock. look, it is four fifty now!

we can see a desk and a bed in her room. the desk is near the window. where are her bag and pencil box?

they’re on the desk. what’s on the bed? we can see a pair of jeans.

mary likes them, but they’re 2 short.

mary and her friend kate 3 this room very much. they want to h**e a party here.


一 语音。10分 找出句中含有与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词,写在下面横线上。6分 1.this is it 2.dad cap bag 从方框中选出下列句子中画线部分字母的音标,将序号填在横线上。4分 1.a 2.c 3.e 4.f 二 根据中文或首字母提示,在横线上填入适当的单词。12分 1....


c孔子 师童问 礼 粉骨碎身全不怕,要留清白在人间 d祁黄羊 出以公心外举不避仇,内举不避亲。三 按要求写句子。15 1.例如 仙女在空中抖动着锦缎。美丽的 仙女抖动着 五彩斑斓 的锦缎。燕子在天空中掠过。2.根据词语的不同意思造句。a 自然 天然的,原来就有的。b 自然 不造作,不勉强,不呆板。3...

五年级数学期初测试卷 1

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