
发布 2023-04-18 11:41:28 阅读 1848


) 1did you come here?--i came here last year.

what) 2. lingling is __london with sam and amy.

a. at) and amy __back last satrsday.

a. comeb. camec comes

) _these tree!a. inb. atc on

) dropped __ice mec mine() 6is the coat?--it’s 50 yuan.

a. whatbhow muchc. how many

) is __chinese friend , web.

) 8are we going to eat?--we are going to eat at half past twelve.

a. whatb. whenc. which() 9.__did you meet in london? -i met john.

a. what

) 10. _you __your homework last night?--yes,i did.,do

) they __tom yesterday?a. metb.

meetc. meeted() 12. i went home by___a.

busb. the busc. my bus() an ice had

) 14. how much __do you want? 15. we __food for our wantc. need

) _to the do you want?a. how muchb.

howc how many() 19.__you like cheese?--no,i didn’ do() much __do you want?

a. milk

) 21. i want three___of boxs() 22. where did you __what did you do ?

-we __lots of places.

a. visitedb.

) 24did they go?--they went by bus.

where() 25___is very long and very old.

great great wallc. the great wall() 26.你不知道发生了什么事,你应该说:

this? the matter?

) 27. is it his t-shirt?--yes,it’s___a. tomb. hec his()28. i am so sorry

a. you are that’s don’t say it.()pencil is this?

--it’s __yourc his() 30. what’s the matter___you?a.

matterbwrongc. weather() 31.__is daming.

__t-shirt is blue.

a. she,herb. his, 32. this pencil is __

a. my teacherb. my teacher’sc.

my teachers() 33.__t-shirt is this?a.

whob. who’sc. whose

) _wearthe shirt didn’t() 35. who are they?--they are __fathers.

a. tom and mary’sb. tom’s and mary’sc. tom and mary()36.你想表达桌子上有太多的书时,应该说:

a. there are too many books on the there are too much books on the desk.()37.

当你想知道这是谁的包,应问?a. it’s mary’ whose bag is this ?

(38.当别人夸你的衣服漂亮时,你应该说: you.

()can __the to play() you wash your clothes

can’tb. no,i can’ can.

) want to __your friend. a. areb. amc. be() don’t play __a. nice

) 43.__careful!that’s __44. here is a present __for() 45. happy birthday, daming

a. thank you .b. you are welcomec i’m sorry.

) get up __six o’clock every inb. atc on() can do it very___a. wellb.

goodc nice() 48is the coat?--it’s 50 yuan.

muchbhow bigc. how many

) can help __a. heb. 50. i can’t swim __inc. at

) _you do?--i can jump high. a. do() 52. can you sing english songs

can’ can

) 53. how well __you play football?a.

do() 54. she __speak english very does() a programmec about you like to go to the park with me

a. yes,i’like thank i’m going to go to the zoo.()57.

_do you get up?--at seven o’clock in the morning.

a. time

) 58. dogs __very useful .a. areb.

) you do __every morning?a. exerciseb.

exercisesc. an exercise() england they___start school at 8 o’clock.

a. can’ don’t

) 61. yesterday i __to amy’s goes() 62. do you __to school?

a. walkb. walksc.

walked() 63. what are you___about?a.

thinkb. thinksc thinking() she feeling happy

isn’tb. no,she yes,she is.

) am going __to gob. goc goes() 66. the box is too he**y,i __it.

a. can carrybcan’t carryc. can be carry() youfeeling hungry

are,b. no,you aren’ am.

) 68. i feel __a. boredb.

boringc. be bored()69 . the child __hold his mother to cross the road.

a. shouldb. shallc. shouldn’t

) 70. you should __the right to takeb. takec.

took() 71. he shouldn’t __baby is sleeping.

a. talkb. talksc. talked

) should play___football after \b. thec. a() 73.

there __a restaurant at the isb. arec. h**e() help our grandma clean the are going tob.

is going toc. go to

) 75. is this your book?--no,it isn’t __a. myb. yoursc. mine



are so many too he**y, please help me put it in the can you help me?

) 77.波波打算在母亲节给妈妈表演节目,他应该怎样把他得打算告诉妈妈?

a. i like singing and go to going to sing and dance.()78.询问别人几点起床,应问:

a. what do you get up? time do you get up?

c what time do you go to bed?()79.看到朋友不高兴,你应该说:

a. what’s the matter?b. are you happy?c. you look happy.()80.当你进入商店,售货员对你说:

the matter?b. can i help you?c who can help you?()81.当你打**时知道对方是谁,问:

are you?b. who is he?c. who is that?()82.你想知道对方正在做什么,问:

a. what are yo going to do?b.

what are you doing?c. what do you do?

()83.当别人对你说”happy birthday to you!”你应当说:

a. the same to you! you!c. happy birthday!()84.当你第一次和别人见面,你会这样问好:

a. how are you! do you do! luck!()85.当别人对你说“happy new year to you!”你应该说:

a. happy new year to you!b happy birthday year to you!c the same to you!阅读理解。

一) school. xiaowei get up at six. he reads english and chinese in the morning.

in the morning and two in the the evening,he does his a good student.

) does he get upa. at at 6:00c.

at 12:00.()wei is a __a.

studentb. teacherc. girl() breakfast he __with his friends

a. reads chineseb. read to school

) h**e __every day. a. two lessonsb.

four lessonsc. six lessons() old is xiaoweia. twelveb.

twentyc. eleven

二)i’m am going to be eleven. i h**e a good name is canplayfootball,andhelikesplayingping-pong, will be fan.

) is eleven now.()is amy’s friend.

) likes playing ping-pong..(can play basketball.()can’t play ping-pong.给下列句子选择合适的答语。

) he sing well? can’t.()you like milk? did.()old are you? ten.

) bag is this? daming’s.

) did tom do? did his homework.

) did you go? went to the london eye.()much milk do you want?

bottles.()many bananas do you want?

) can he do? can play football.()are you doing?

watching tv.()you like the park now? do.

) time do you get up? get up at 4 o’clock.


5a unit 1 1.in the forest 在森林里a beautiful house 一座漂亮的房子。2.hungry and thirsty 又饿又渴some soup 一些汤。3.too cold 太冷too hot 太热。4.just then正好 正合适in the room 在房...


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口语交际题目。姓名学号 五上。1第一单元。从下面的建议中选择一项,进行口语交际。1 把自己想象成大自然中的一员,想想他们在大自然中是怎样生活和变化的,想象它们眼中的世界是什么样子的,并融入自己的感受写下来。2 选取生活中的几种音响,或者仔细听一段音响的录音,展开想象,把想到的 感受到的讲给同学听。3...