
发布 2020-05-27 09:28:28 阅读 5585






1. a. beeb. zooc. antd. ladybird

2. a. museum b. supermarketc. stationd. bedroom

3. a. dirtyb. cloudyc. sunnyd. windy

4. a. metro b. planec. telephoned. train

5. a. ourb. hisc. myd. you

二、单项填空。 (20分)

1. —bobby, it’s time for __dinner.

wow, what __nice dinner!

a. a; ab. the; ac. 不填;a d. 不填;不填。

2. —do you like your english teacher?

yes. she often __us stories in class.

a. speaksb. tellsc. talksd. says

3. —look! there __a lot of honey and drinks here. i like them.

me, too.

a. wasb. werec. isd. has

4. —daniel is only five years old, but he can draw very well.

how __he is!

a. quickb. carefulc. interesting d. clever

5. —can i h**e some

sure. here it is.

a. *****b. news*****sc. glass bottles d. dumplings

6. —did the fashion show __well?

yes. it was wonderful.

a. getb. goc. keepd. turn

7. i can’t __the tree. it’s too high.

a. pick upb. stand upc. climb up d. hurry up

8. —you look nice __the red dress.

oh, i bought it __the internet.

a. in; on b. on; inc. with; ond. on; from

9. mr li __letters to his friends many years ago, but now he __

e-mails to them.

a. writes; is writingb. write; is writing

c. wrote; writesd. writes; writes

)10. —we went on a picnic yesterday afternoon, but there was he**y rain.

oh, _a. that’s great b. that’s too bad c. that’s all right d. that’s fun

三、词汇检测 (10分)


1. where did you go for your假期)?

2. i can’t find mr li in the teachers办公室).

3. i h**e six red packets. i’m very富有的) now.

4. the children are very兴奋的) about the party.

5. don’t带来) your mobile phone to school.


6. what asun) day it is!

7. water isuse). we should s**e it.

8. helen didshop) with her mother last sunday.

9. theymove) the factory away from the city next year.

10. do you know whatmake) the street messy and dirty?

四、根据要求完成下列句子,每空一词。 (12分)

1. we make bottles with plastic. (改为同义句)


2. he did his homework last night. (改为否定句)

hehis homework last night.

3. our class outing was great fun. (对划线部分提问)

class outing?

4. the girl was sick yesterday. she stayed at home. (合并为一句)

the girl stayed at home yesterdayshe was sick.

5. —when is根据实际情况将问题补充完整)

it’s on 22nd april.


a: look! what are they doing?

b: oh, theythe trees.

a: what can the girl do?

b: she

3a: how dirty the air is!

b: we shouldit

a: whatthe sign mean?

b: it means

a: bobby, you look sad

b. my kite flew away.


kate: ben, it was your birthday yesterday, wasn’t it?

ben: yes, it was, kate. (1) _

kate: where did you go?

ben: (2) _

kate: oh! who did you go with?

ben: (3) _

kate: and did you get any presents?

ben: yes, a lot. (4) _that’s my f**ourite.

六年级奥数 期初 测试

1.十把钥匙开10把锁,但钥匙和锁已经搞乱了。最多试多少次即可将钥匙和锁配起来?2.学雷锋小组的一次集会,参加集会的人每两人握一次手,共36次,这个小组共有多少人?4.在平面上画1994条直线,这些直线最多能形成多少个交点?6.用1 9这九个数字,可以组成多少道 的减法?注 可以代表相同的数字?8....


时间 100分钟 2012年9月姓名得分。基础知识 36分 一 将括号中不正确的拼音或字划去。4分 含情脉脉 m i m 咀嚼 ju ji o 桥 梁粱 郊效 外。粗犷 gu ng ku ng 蒙 m ng m ng 古将 ji n ji n 领 簇族 拥 二 填上同音字,组成词语。4分 ji n ...


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