
发布 2023-04-18 11:28:28 阅读 3845

教学内容:unit six how many stars are there on the flag?

unit seven what’s in the bag?

unit eight what are they doing?

unit nine are they picking pears?

unit ten i can mend it myself.


1.( b. three c. this d. that

2.( b. box c. not d. on

5.( d. nice


1.( there a bottle of water and two bags of bread in the bag.

a. am b. is c. are

2.( there areanimals in the zoo!

a. so much b. so c. so many

3.( mary can dance

a. i can so . b. so can i. c. so am i.

4.( i h**e three flags. one is yelloware red.

a. the other b. the others c. others

5let’s english. ok?

ok. i want to talk you that story book.

a. speak, to, about b. talk, with, with c. speak, with, about

6.( boys, say something about

a. yourself b. your c. yourselves

7.( can you the glass?

a. broke c. break

8you the pear?

a. do,get b. h**e,got c. h**e,get

9.( don't worry me. i’m ok.

a. with b. about c. at

10.( don’t sing class. you can do it class.

a. on, at b. after,in c. in, after

三、 改写句子。

1.where are two stools in the bag.(就划线部分提问。

2.where is an egg in the bag.(就划线部分提问。

3.what girl is very beautiful.(改为感叹句)

4. it’s a very nice pear.(改为感叹句).

5. mary can see three foreigners on the great wall. (用there be句型改写。

6. it’s time to watch tv. (同意句)

7. girl,the,book,a,read,the,room,in,now(?)连词成句。

8. the boys are singing and eating.(就划线部分提问。


mr. wang: may i come in?

mr. liu: oh, it’s you. please come in.

mr. wang: thanks. how are you this afternoon and how’s your brotherr?

mr. liu: i’m fine, thanks. my brother isn’t at home now. he goes to see his friends on

sunday afternoon. he’s fine, too. it’s time to practise (练习) english, isn't it ?

mr. wang: yes. what are we going to talk about this time(这次)?

mr. liu: what about this picture. look, here it is!

mr. wang: what a nice picture! i like it!

mr. liu: so do i. it’s a picture of mr. smith’s family.

mr. wang: let me h**e a look.

ah, there’re four members (成员) in the family. one,two,three,four.

mr. liu: no, five. there’re five.

mr. wang: but i see only four.

look, mr. smith on the right(右边);mrs. smith on the left(左。

边)and two children in front of them.

mr. liu: look, here is another(另一个) one, a dog. its name is tom.

mr. wang: oh, i see. they must be very happy.

mr. liu: yes. they are very happy.


1 is 2 afternoon. mr. wang is at mr. liu’s 3 . they practise english at this

4 5 day.

mr. wang 6 a picture. 7 is a picture 8 mr.

9 family. 10 11 five members. 12 of them is 13 , a 14 .

mr. smith 15 a happy family. 16 a happy family he 17 !



2. a 二、选择填空。

3. “so”引导的句子要进行倒装。 6. “yourself ” 的复数形式为 “yourselves”。)


in the many eggs are there in the bag?


语言的积累与运用。1 选出不全是多音字的一项 a 几弱应难b 弹重盛参c 恶冠调数2 选出每个词中都有错别字的一项 a 不记其数赞叹不己任劳任怨b 勤劳俭朴鬼鬼崇崇戒骄戒躁c 各抒已见兴兴向荣铺张浪废d 克苦钻研天崖海角兴高采烈3 下列词语使用不正确的是 a 昨天他刚被辞退,今天又摔破了头,真是祸不...

五年级上册重点问题 期中

1 窃读 的滋味是怎样的?答 作者童年时在书店偷偷地读书,内心既快乐又害怕,这两种感觉交织在一起,形成了一种复杂 难以言说的感受,这正是窃读的滋味。2 记住,你们是吃饭长大的,也是读书长大的!如何理解国文老师的这句话?答 吃饭长大 指的是身体的物质需求 读书长大 则是指精神需求。只有两者相结合,才能...


unit 1句型结构 1.询问对方某个学科的老师是谁 who syour 学科名称 teacher?who s who is 谁是 用来询问某人的身份。位于句首,引导特殊疑问句。答语 my 学科名称 teacher is.2.询问某人体貌特征或性格特点的句型结构 what s 某人 like wha...