年一年级上册Unit6复习练习卷 彩图

发布 2023-03-28 16:13:28 阅读 9023


一、 连一连。


short fat tall thin classmate friend she he

二、 读一读,找出下面句子的答句,并连线。

1. who is shea he’s my grandfather.

2. is she aliceb she can sing.

3. what can she doc yes, she’s alice.

4. here you ared here you are.

5. who is hee thank you.

6. give me a ruler, pleasef she’s my mother.

二、 情境选择。

)1 你想告诉别人这是danny, 应该说。

a. is he dannyb. he’s danny.

) 2 你想告诉别人她很矮,可以说:

a. he’s shortb. she’s short.

) 3 你想说他是我的同学,应该说:

a. he’s my classmate. b. he’s my friend.

) 4 你想说他是胖男孩,高男孩,应该是:

a. fat boy, tall boy. b. thin girl, short girl

) 5 你想问别人她是谁, 应该说:

a.who is sheb. who is he?


fat eddie tall alice shortthin

tomanntimbe****s wang


三、 连一连。


short fat tall thin classmate friend she he

四、 读一读,找出下面句子的答句,并连线。

1. who is shea he’s my grandfather.

2. is she aliceb she can sing.

3. what can she doc yes, she’s alice.

4. here you ared here you are.

5. who is hee thank you.

6. give me a ruler, pleasef she’s my mother.

三、 情境选择。

)1 你想告诉别人这是danny, 应该说。

a. is he dannyb. he’s danny.

) 2 你想告诉别人她很矮,可以说:

a. he’s shortb. she’s short.

) 3 你想说他是我的同学,应该说:

a. he’s my classmate. b. he’s my friend.

) 4 你想说他是胖男孩,高男孩,应该是:

a. fat boy, tall boy. b. thin girl, short girl

) 5 你想问别人她是谁, 应该说:

a.who is sheb. who is he?


fat eddie tall alice shortthin

tomanntimbe****s wang




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