
发布 2023-03-18 21:06:28 阅读 4322

module 1

visited the london eye, and saw the city from above the ground.他们去了伦敦眼,从上面俯瞰城市。

is in london with sam and amy.玲玲正在伦敦和sam、amy待在一起。

back from china.


4.--did you come back yesterday?你们是昨天回来的吗?

---no, we came back lastsunday.不,我们是上周星期天回来的。

5.--do you live in london too?你也住在伦敦吗?

---yes, i live near amy and sam.是的,我住在amy和sam家附近。

at those ice creams!看那些冰激凌。 buy some ice creams.我们去买些冰激凌吧。

with us.跟我们一起吧。

for me.等等我。

10. hurry up, lingling.玲玲快点。

dropped my ice cream on john’s shoes.我把冰激凌掉到约翰的鞋上了。

12. -did she send you an email?她给你发邮件了吗?

---no, she didn’t.不,她没有。

a postcard from lingling.这是玲玲寄来的明信片。

here’s a postcard for you.这张明信片是给你的。

we met john in the park.昨天我们在公园遇到了约翰。

module 2

need food for our picnic.我们需要为野餐准备食物。

we need a bigbag for our picnic.我们需要为野餐准备一个大包。

make a shopping list.我将要做一份购物清单。

likes apples.玲玲喜欢苹果。

can buy four apples.我们可以买四个苹果。

5.--how many apples/pears/watermelons/eggs/oranges did your mum say?你妈妈说要买多少苹果/梨子/西瓜/鸡蛋/桔子?

--four apples/pears/watermelons/eggs/oranges.四个苹果/梨子/西瓜/鸡蛋/桔子。

6.--how much cheese/chocolate/meat/fish/rice did you buy?你买了多少奶酪/巧克力/肉/鱼/米?

--half a kilo.半公斤。

7.--how many bananas did you buy?你们买了多少香蕉?

--we didn’t buy any bananas.我们没有买香蕉。--how much milk/juice/water did you buy?

你们买了多少牛奶/果汁/水?--two bottles.两瓶。

can use the bag over there.我们可以用那里的包。

module 3

1.--what did you do at the weekend?你们周末做了什么?

--we visitedlots of places.我们去了很多地方。

2.--where did you go?你们去了**?

--we went to the british museum.我们去了大英博物馆。3.

--how did you go to these places?你们怎么去的这些地方。--we went by bus.


4.--who did you go with?你和谁去的?

--i went with my parents.我和我父母去的。

5.--when did they arrive?他们什么时候到的?

--they arrived at ten o’clock inthe morning.他们上午十点到的。

6.--who took this picture?谁拍的这张**?

--daming did.大明拍的。

walked on the wall for one hour.他们在长城上走了一个小时。

took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.他们拍了山的**,山上有美丽的花和绿色植物。

9.--how did you go there?你怎么去的?

--i went there by train.我乘火车去的。

10.--what did you buy?你买了什么?

--i didn’t buy anything at all.我什么都没有买。

module 4

1.--do you like this pair of shorts?你喜欢这条短裤吗?--no, i don’t wantshorts.不,我不想要短裤。

bought new clothes for sam.妈妈给sam买了新衣服。

argue!别吵!what’s the matter?怎么了?

wants to wear it.他想穿它。

red t-shirts are on the line.你们的红色t恤在晾衣绳上。

6.--i’m so sorry.对不起。

--that’s ok.没关系。

go and fly it.我们去放风筝吧。

the matter with daming?大明怎么了?

9.--i found this bag on the school bus.我在校车上发现了这个包。

these new sportsshoes were in it.这双运动鞋就在里边。

-- those are my shoes.那是我的鞋子。

be so sad.被伤心。here is you lost sock.这是你丢失的袜子。

11.--where did you lose your bag?你在**丢的包?

--i lost my bag on the schoolbus.我在校车上丢的包。

module 5

begins.上课。 give out the crayons.请把蜡笔分发下去。

are twenty children in the class.班上有二十个孩子。but there are only nineteencrayons.但是只有十九支蜡笔。

are only nineteen crayons.只有十九支蜡笔but there are twenty children in theclass.但是班上有二十个孩子。

is a crayon on the floor.地板上有一支蜡笔。

are h**ing a party.数字们在聚会。all of them are dancing happily.他们都在快乐地跳舞。

are so many children in our class.我们班上有那么多孩子。

are thirty elephants in a row.三十头大象排成排。 are sixty parrots in thetree.树上有六十只鹦鹉。

is a kangaroo over there.那边有一只袋鼠。 can see one hundred frogs.

我能看到一百只青蛙。11.--how many people are there in your family?


--there are fivepeople in my family.我家有五口人。

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