
发布 2023-03-18 21:04:28 阅读 6305



形容外貌:tall 高的long 长的round 圆的

short 短的;矮的 young 年轻的old 年老的

形容物品:thick厚的 thin薄的 old旧的 new新的。

其他:lovely可爱的 noisy 嘈杂的;喧闹的delicious好吃的。

great 巨大的;强烈的

心情形容词:angry生气的 unhappy不快乐的 happy快乐的。

proud 自豪的 excited 兴奋的sad悲伤的



hamburger汉堡包 sandwich三明治 soup汤。

蔬菜(vegetable)类:tomato西红柿 potato土豆。

肉类:fish鱼肉 chicken鸡肉 beef牛肉。

3.饮料(drink)类:coke可乐 orange juice橙汁 coffee咖啡

water水 tea茶。

4.一日三餐类:breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 dinner晚餐。

5.课程类:english英语chinese语文 maths数学。



6.文具类:eraser橡皮擦;黑板擦 marker记号笔glue胶水。


make整理;制造clean 把…弄干净 water给…浇水 wash洗iron熨烫take 拍;摄 collect收集talk说话pick摘

smoke吸烟spit吐痰get 得到;收到。

fish 钓鱼。


pet宠物rabbit兔子 basket篮子

raincoat雨衣 jacket夹克 umbrella雨伞 clothes衣服;衣物。

photo** chess象棋 stamp邮票 storybook故事书 violin小提琴。



1. a: what does he/ she look like?

b: he/ she is tall. he/ she has small eyes.

2. a: what would you like?

b: i’d like a hamburger, please./ i’d like some fish, please.

3. a: do you want some soup/ rice/ vegetables?

b: yes. please./ no, thank you.

4. a: can i use(borrow) a/ your pencil, please?

b: yes, here you are.

5. a: can i h**e a pet?

b: yes, you can.

no, you can’t.

6. a: which one do you want?

b: i want the big/ small one.

7. a: what time do you get up?

b: i get up at 6: 30.

8. a: what do you do at home?

b: i help my mother.

i water the plants.

9. a: what’s your hobby?

b: my hobby is reading.

i like reading.

10. a: what does that sign mean?

b: it means “ visitors do not go in”.

11. i’m sorry/ happy/ unhappy/ proud/ excited/ angry/ sad/ shy.

i feel sorry/ happy/ unhappy/ proud/ excited/ angry/ sad/ shy.

12. children wear new clothes.

children get red packets.


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