
发布 2023-03-17 23:07:28 阅读 7344

what’s the date?


例如:what’s the date? 今天几月几号?

回答:june 9th .

4. 询问今天星期几?

what day is it today?

回答:it’s +星期。

例如:what day is it today? 今天星期几?

回答:it’s monday.

unit 4


what are you doing?

回答:i am+动词ing.

例如:what are you doing? 你正在做什么?

回答:i’m reading a book.

unit5 询问它正在做什么?

what is it doing?

回答:it’s +动词ing.

例如:what is it doing? 它正在做什么?

回答;it’s eating bananas.


what is she doing?

回答:she is +动词ing.

例如:what is she doing?

回答:she is jumping.

4. 询问他正在做什么?

what is he doing?

回答:he is + 动词ing.

例如:what is he doing? 他正在做什么?

he’s swimming. 他正在游泳。

5. 询问他们正在做什么?

what are they doing?

回答:they are +动词ing.

例如:what are they doing? 他们正在做什么?

回答:they are climbing trees. 他们正在爬树。

unit 6

1. 询问你/你们是不是正在做什么?

are you +动词ing?


例如:are you eating lunch?你们是不是正在吃午饭?

no ,we aren’t./yes, we are.

例如:are you listening to music?

回答:yes, i am./no ,i amn’t.

2. 询问他们是不是正在做什么?

are they +动词ing?

回答:yes, they are./no they aren’t例如:are they eating the honey?


回答:yes, they are.

3. 询问他是不是正在做什么?

is he + 动词ing?

回答:yes, he is./no, he isn’t.

4. 询问她是不是正在做什么?

is she +动词ing?

回答:yes, she is./no, she isn’t.

例如:is she counting insects?

回答:yes, she is./no, she isn’t.


五年级下册。unit1what do you see 你看见了什么?jenny is looking out the window of the train 詹妮正在向火车的窗外看。what does she do 她在干什么?jenny is pointing at the little red ...


五下英语重要句型总结。1 please don t jump 请不要跳!2 please sit down.请坐下。3 i m sorry.对不起。4 that s okay.没关系。5 what are you doing now?你在干什么?6 i m drawing a picture.我在画...


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