
发布 2023-03-09 10:52:28 阅读 9264


1、 试卷分为听力、笔试两部分, 共81小题。全卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。




听力部分 (共15分)


1. what’s the weather like today?

abc. 2. what’s his f**ourite animal?

a. bc.

3. how does he go to school?

ab. c.

4. whose(谁的) book is this?

abc. 5. where are they going?

abc. 二、听对话,选答案,每小题听一遍。(5分)

6. what’s betty going to do?

a. she is going to play basketball b. she’s going to play football c.

she is going to do some washing

7. where are the cars?

in the school. b. they’re behind the school. in front of the school.

8. what day is it today?

a. it’s saturday todayb. it’s sunday today. c. it’s thursday today.

9. who can reach those apples?

a. sam can reach themb. mike can reach themc. i can reach them

is mr hunt doing?

a. he’s picking oranges b. he is singingc. he is picking apples.


11. a. fourteen b. forty c. forty-four

12. a. the uk b. the usa c. the prc

13. a. playing pingpong b. playing tennis c. a and b

14. a. student b. teacher c. player

15. a. hanburgers b. dumplings c. rice



16. how many days are there in __weekseven.

a. a b. an c. the d. /

17. they are looking forword to __beijing.

a. visit b. visiting c. visits d. will visit

18she reading in the libraryyes, she is.

a. is b. are c. am d. does

19. quzhou is __the west of zhejiang.

a. inb. onc. tod. of

20. my __are big.

a. footb. feetc. foots d. feets

are going to __the plane to shanghai.

a. h**e b. takec. do d. go

tv is __than the cinema .

a. more popular b. popularer c. popular d. not popular

there are some___on the table.

tomato b. tomatos c. tomatoes d. tomato

24.--the population of shanghaiabout 13 million.

a. how much is b. how many are c. which is d. what’s

25. there __a sports meeting in our school next month.

a. is going to h**e b. are going to be c. will h**e d. is going to be

26. he always does his homework __

c. carefuly

27.__is difficult __english well

a. that , learn b. it, learn c. it , to learn d. that, to learn

28. the radio says that there will be __winds and __rain next week.

a. strong; he**y b. small; he**y large d. strong; large

29. look! hefootball.

a. play b. plays c. playing d. is playing

30does he want to go to beijing? -because he likes chinese culture.

b. where c. why


a)i am an english teacher. i come 31 nanjing. i am thirty-nine.

i 32 english at no. 1 middle school. i usually get up at six 33 the morning.

and i go to work at 7: 00 34_ bike. i often help my mother 35 the housework on sundays.

sometimes i go to the park with my friends. susan and mary are my students. 36 are two girls.

they study 37 .they often 38 games with 39 after school. they like 40 in the river.

we often swim in the river in summer.

31. a. tob. fromc. on

32. a. teach b. teachesc. teaching

33. a. inb. onc. to

34. a. onb. with c. by

35. a. with b. to c. on

36. a. we b. theyc. you

37. a. hardlyb. goodc. hard

38. a. plays b. play c. playing

39. a. ib. my c. me

40. a. swimsb. swim c. swimming

b)sam and pat 41 brothers. they’re 42 the same class. sam works harder and studies better 43 pat.

one day the teacher asks the students to 44 a composition (作文). the name of the composition is “my mother”. sam 45 the composition and is 46 hand it in (上交) to the teacher.

pat says, “sam, let 47 h**e a look.” pat reads it and copies (抄写) it.

the next day, the teacher asks pat, “48 is your composition 49 as sam’s, pat?”


考生须知 1 试卷分为听力 笔试两部分,共81小题。全卷满分为100分,考试时间为90分钟。2 答案必须做在相应的答题卷位置上,做在试题卷上无效。3 做写作部分时,请在试卷上打草稿。温馨提示 请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!祝你成功!听力部分 共15分 一 根据句子内容,选择符合题意...


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外研社英语七年级 下 词汇表。crayon krein n.蜡笔。eraser i reiz n.橡皮擦。glove lv n.手套。wallet wlt n.钱包。watch wt,w t n.表 通常指 手表。whose hu z pron.谁的。firstofall首先 第一。lose lu ...