
发布 2023-03-09 10:00:28 阅读 5579

unit4 don’ eat in class.


教师寄语】:care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。

section a

1. don’t arrive late for class. you must be on time. 上课不要迟到,你必须准时。

解析1】 ⑴arrive v 到达,抵达。

arrive in+ 大地点 /arrive at + 小地点=reach+地点 =get to +地点到达某地。

( )betty arrived___london __the morning of june 1st.

a. at; in b. at; on c. in; in d. in; on

( )my father arrived __beijing __a cold morning.

a. in; in b. at; in c. in; on

)③when did you __there?

— the day before yesterday.

a. arrive in b. get to c. reach

注】: 如果arrive/get 后接地点副词( here, there , home等)时, 介词要省略。

get home 到家 arrive there 达到那里

解析2】be late for “迟到”(固定短语)

( )jim is often __for school.

a. late b. lately c. later d. much lately

解析3】on time/ in time

1) on time= at the right time “准时,按时”(不早不晚)

the train came in on time. 火车准时进站。

2) in time 指“及时”, 表示动作在规定的时间内或提前发生。

you’ll get there just in time . 你会及时到达那儿的。

2. don’t fight . 不要打架。

解析】fight →fought v 打架 h**e a fight with sb. 和某人打架。

3. listen to music in the classroom or hallway. 在教室或过道上听**。

【解析】 listen / hear 辨析。


【不同点】1) listen 强调听的动作,意为“听”。后接宾语时,必须加介词to.

mr. wu asked students to listen to him carefully.

2) hear 强调听的结果,意为“听到”。后直接跟宾语。

i can hear a girl singing.

someone is singing upstairs.

— it must be maria. she likes listening __music and singing.

a. look; with b. say; to c. listen; to d. come; with

4. and we always h**e to wear the school uniform. 并且我们要一直穿校服。

解析1】h**e to 不得不 ,后接动词原形,表示由于客观需要不得不作某事。

(1)肯定结构:主语+h**e to +动词原形+…

一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用has to ;

一般过去时,任何主语都用had to

my mother is ill, i h**e to stay at home and look after her.

2) 否定结构;主语+don’t h**e to+动词原形+…

一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时用doesn’t h**e to ;

一般过去时,任何主语都用didn’t h**e to…


do/does/did +主语+h**e to +动词原形。

must 必须,应当表示人的主**法。

we must finish our homework every day.

you h**e to give up smoking . 改为否定句)

) can you come to my party on wednesday?

— sorry, i can’t . i __finish my homework.

a. may b. would c. h**e to

解析2】(1) wear v 穿着, 戴着 (强调穿的状态)=be in


he always wears a red t-shirt.

(2) dressv给……穿衣服宾语通常是人。

dress sb. 给别人穿衣服(动作)

dress oneself 自己穿上衣服(动作)

get dressed 穿上衣服(动作)



putonyourcoatifyou want to go out .如果你要出去,穿上你的厚冬衣。

) d**id, can you __yourself?

— of course , i can.

a. dress b. put on c. wear

5. this is a great school, but there are a lot of rules. 这是一所很好的学校, 但是有许多纪律。

解析】but/ and/ or 辨析。

1) but conj. “但是,可是” ,表示前后意思的转折。

he’s young , but he plays the piano well.

2) and “和,又” 表并列,连接词与词、短语、句子等。

i bought linda a present, and she liked it very much.

3) or “或者” ,表选择关系。

can you play the piano or violin?

) money is very important, _it’s not the most important(最重要的) thing.

a. or b. and c. but d. so

6. can we bring music players to school? 我们可以带****器到学校吗?

解析1】bring/ fetch/ take辨析。

1)bring 是指“带来、领来、取来、送去”。 从别处从别处往说话人这里拿)

bring sb/sth to +地点把某物带到某地。

bring your friend to the party. 请带你的朋友来参加聚会。

fetch 是指“去拿来”,也就是说,既包括“去”的意思,又包括“来”的意思。

can you fetch me a book.

take 是指 “拿走、取走”。 指从说话人这里往别处拿)

take the letter to the post office. 把这封信送到邮局去。

) the teacher asked the students to __their dictionaries here.

a. bring b. take c. carry

7. oh,and we also h**e to be quiet in the library. 哦,在图书馆我们还必须安静。

解析】be quiet = keep quiet 保持安静。

) bemy younger brother is doing his homework.

a. quiet b. quietly c. quick d. quickly






be in bed by ten o’clock.

2not read)in the sun because it’s bad for your eyes.

3read)in the sun is bad for your health.

4. don’t talkloud)at home.

teacher told menot be) late again.

6.. notalk) in class.


8 shenot h**e)to wear a uniform.


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