
发布 2023-03-09 01:21:28 阅读 1902

unit 1 can you play the guitar?

1. play the guitar 弹吉他 ,play erhu拉二胡 , play chess 下国际象棋 , play

soccer 踢足球。



2. join / take part in 参加。

join多指参加某个团体或组织,成为其中的一员。take part in多指参加某项。

活动,并在其中起一定的作用。 join the party入党, join the army参军 , take

part in the meeting参加会议 , join in(参加某项活动) =take part in , join sb.

加入到某人当中 , join us加入到我们当中。

3. can you / he / she / it / they dance?

你/他/她/它/他们会跳舞吗? yes, i / he / she / it / they can. 是的,我/他/她/

它/他们会。 no, i / he / she / it / they can’t. 不,我/他/她/它/他们不会。 can


4. 辨析speak,say, talk, tell

1) speak“说”,“讲话”。强调说的能力。①作及物动词,只能接某种语言。

作宾语:speak + 语言 “说某种语言”。 作不及物动词,“讲话,发言” she

is speaking.她正在讲话/发言。

2)say“说”,后面跟说的内容。 i can say abc.我会说abc. say hello to sb.

向某人问好。say sorry to sb.向某人道歉。say it in english用英语说(它)。


talk to sb.对某人说话 ② talk with sb同某人交谈 ③ talk about/on„

谈论„„4) tell“告诉,讲述”。 tell sb. sth. =tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事 ② tell

sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 ③ tell sb.

to do sth.告诉某人去做某事 tell sb. not to do sth.

告诉某人不要做某事 ④ tell a story 讲故事 tell a lie

撒谎 tell the truth讲实话。

5. help wanted寻求帮助。

wanted常用于招聘或启事等的标题 , teachers wanted招聘教师 , waiters


6. be good with sb 和某人相处得好(同义get on well with sb.)。be good to sb

对某人好 。my teacher is good to me. be good for...对….有益 。 learning

english well is good for us. be good at...擅长…;lucy is good at english.

7. help 1) n. 帮助 thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。 2) v. 帮。

助①help with sth. 帮着做某事 please help with my homework. ②help sb. with

sth.帮助某人(做)某事 could you help me with my english?

help sb.(to) do sth.帮助某人做某事could you help me (to) learn english?

8. come and join us! 快来加入我们吧!

9. 选择疑问句:用or 连接的可供选择的疑问句。回答选择疑问句不能用yes

和no ,选择什么答什么。读选择疑问句时,or前用升调,or后用降调。若选择疑。


can you play the piano, the trumpet, the drums, or the guitar? 你会弹钢琴、


i can play the piano.我会弹钢琴。 which is the smallest, the sun, the moon or

the earth? 哪一个是最小的,太阳,月亮还是地球?

10. 辨析little, a little, few, a few

1) little, a little修饰不可数名词;few, a few修饰可数名词。

2) little, few表否定含义“几乎没有”,a little, a few表肯定含义“一点儿,少量”,there is___water in the cup. 杯子里有点水。 i know___english.

我几乎不懂英语。 there are___apples on the table. 桌子上有几个苹果。

the stone is too he**y,__people can move it.

unit 1.句型。

1. can you play the guitar? can you dance / swim? 你会弹吉它 / 跳舞 / 游泳。

吗? yes, i can. /no, i can’t. 是的,我会。/ 不,我不会。

2. i want to join the art / music club. 我想参加美术 / **俱乐部。

3. what club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部?

4. can you play the piano well? 你弹钢琴弹得好吗?

5. are you good with kids? 你善于和孩子相处吗? (be good with sb. 善于。


6. may i know your name? =what’s your name? 我可以知道你的名字吗?

7. what can you do? 你会做什么?

8. play the piano / the drums/ 弹钢琴 / 打鼓/ (乐器前有the) play football/ chess/踢足球/ 下国际象棋/ (球类、棋类前没有the )

9. chess / english / swimming / music club象棋 / 英语 / 游泳 / **俱乐。

部。10. a little+ n (u) 一点(肯定) little + n (u) 几乎没有(否。

定), a few +n (pl) 有几个(肯定), few +n (pl) 几乎没有(否定).

短语 1 can’t=can not 不能 2 summer camp 夏令营。

3. rock band 摇滚乐队 5 a little 少量。

7 play the guitar 弹吉他 8 play the piano 弹钢琴。

9 go dancing 去跳舞 10 speak english 说英语。

11 a job 一个工作 12 in summer 在夏天。

13 talk to sb 对某人讲 14 talk with sb 与某人交谈。

15 on sunday(s) 在星期天 16 in japan 在日本。

17a little girl/boy 一个小男孩/女孩 18 join theclub 参加。俱乐部。

句型:can you dance? yes, i can.

/no, i can’t. can he paint? yes,he can.

/ no, he can’t.

can she speak english? yes, she can./no, she can’t.

what club do you want to join? we want to join the chess club. i want to join the basketball

club. what can you do? i can play the guitar.

are you good with kids? can you help kids with swimming? come and join us!

musicians wanted for school music festival. can you draw? yes, a little.

i want to learn about art. do you h**e an e-mail address?

语法:一般疑问句总结:be动词提前型,句首加助动词do/does型,can/could/may/will/would 等情态动词开头型, 回答一律用yes/no回答。


结构:1 join与 join in 的区别 join 参加,指参加某项活动或人群。 join in 加入着重加入某种组织,团体,政党并成为其中一员。


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unit 1can i play the guitar?1.重点短语。talk to sb.与某人谈话。play chess下国际象棋。speak english说英语。make friends交朋友。play the piano violin guitar 弹钢琴 拉小提琴 弹吉他。help sb...


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