
发布 2023-03-09 01:18:28 阅读 2240


国家与语言(熟悉canada–canadian(加拿大人)france–french(法语,法国人)america–american(美国人)japan–japanese(日语,日本人) australia–australian(澳大利亚人)

p1)be from =come from 来自 linda is from japan.= linda comes from japan..那么where’s your pen pal from

第一单元unit 1 where is your pal from?

p2)live住,居住(后跟地点是常用live in) 。

例如:i live in china.(一般疑问句) do you live in china? (肯定/否定回答)

yes,i do.no,i don’t.否定句i don’t live in china.划线部分提问 where do you live? (where 是副词,和动词live搭配时,动词后不能加介词in)

his aunt lives in his aunt live in sydney?yes,she does.no, she doesn’t his aunt doesn’t live in sydney. where does his aunt live?

p3)说某种语言用speak, speak chinese/ english/ japanese /french说汉语/英语/日语/法语。

问某人说某种语言用句型what language do/does sb speak?

what language do you speak?i speak chinese.

what language does mary speak?she speaks english.

p5,3a)14 years old 14岁解释:数字+ year(s) old …岁当数字大于1时,year用复数years。i am 30 years old.

her son is 1 year old.


肯定句变成一般疑问句需把can提到句首。肯定句变成否定句只需把can变成can’t 既可。例如:

she can speak english. can she speak english? yes, she can.no she can’t .she can’t speak english.

p5,3a)“like+动词ing”表示“喜欢做某事”i like playing basketball. tom likes listening to music.

注意:“like+to+动词”也表示“喜欢做某事”,只是“like+动词ing”表示习惯性动作(也可以说是爱好),而“like+to+动词”表示一次性或短暂性的。our pe teacher likes swimming ( 表示爱好) he likes playing basketball,but today he doesn’t like to play basketball.


p5,3a)write to 人:写信给某人he often writes to his mother. do you often write to your pen pal?

(p5,3b)on weekens在周末。

p5,3b) f**orite形容词“最喜爱的”,名词“最喜爱的人或物”。my f**orite sport is soccer.我最喜爱的运动是足球。hammbugers are my f**orite.是我最喜爱的食物。

p5,3b)tell sb about shte告诉某人某事 my mother often tells me about my grandfather 我的妈妈经常告诉我关于我爷爷的事。

第二单元unit 2 where’s the post office?

p7-8)“there be结构的一般现在时基本句型如下:

肯定句:⑤there is a payphone in the neighborhood.

there is a blackboard in the front of classroom.在教室的前面有一块黑板。(黑板在教室的里面)there is a big tree in front of classroom.


the library is on yimeng street.

p9)go straight一着往前走,turn left/right向左/右拐,on the left/right在左边/右边。


p11,3a)the garden district 花园小区;take a walk 散步;the beginning of …的开始do you like the beginning of the movie?你喜欢这步电影的开头吗?

p11,3a)enjoy喜欢,过得快乐(后面跟的动词必须加ing)i enjoy the movie我喜欢这步电影。she enjoys watching tv.她喜欢看电视。

p11,3b)h**e fun玩得快乐;play the guitar弹吉他(play后跟乐器时必须加the,但后跟球类时不加the,例如:play basketball)

课文解释:p11,3)i know you are arriving next sunday. 解释:

“be+动词ing”为现在进行时,在这句中next sunday“下个星期天”为将来时间。you are arriving next sunday.是现在进行时表示将来动作的用法,这种情况多用于go,come,le**e,arrive等表示动作来去的动词,例如:

he is le**ing tomorrow.明天他将离开。

let sb do sth让某人做某事(let us=let’s) let’s play basketball.

the way to+地点:去某地的路 the way to school去上学的路上;the way home回家的路上(在这里home之前无修饰成分,为副词,去掉to)

take a taxi 乘出租车;h**e a good trip旅途愉快。

第三单元unit 3 why do you like koalas?


p13)let’s后跟动词原形“咱们做某事吧”。肯定回答一般用“ok/all right”,否定回答一般用“sorry,i…”等。—let’s play tennis.

—let’s dance. —ok.—sorry,i can’t dance.

p13)why引导的特殊疑问句,通常用来询问原因。she likes pandas because they are cute.→why does she like pandas?

p15,3a,3b)be from =come from 来自 linda is from japan.= linda comes from japan.

where is linda from?=where does linda come from?

p16,3)what animal do you like?用于询问对方喜欢什么动物。例如:

what animal do you like? i like pandas. they’re cute.

what animal does tom like? he likes dolphins. they’re friendly.

p17,3a)play with玩…,和…一起玩 mary often plays with us.玛丽经常和我们一起玩。 the boy is playing with a ball.


p17,3a)she likes to play with her friends and eat grass. =she likes to play with her friends and she likes toeat grass. 解释:

本句的主语是she,谓语是likes,play with her friends和eat grass.是由and连接的两个相同成分,所以and后省略了she likes to。

like to do 与like doing 的用法和区别见第一单元(p5,3a)的解释。


he is very fat, so he doesn’t like pe. class.他很胖,因此他不喜欢体育刻。

=because he is very fat, he doesn’t like pe. class .=he doesn’t like pe.

class because he is very fat. (because引导的句子可以放前面,也可以放在后面)


第四单元unit 4 i want to be an actor.

p19,1a)what do you do?(=what +is╱am╱are+sb?/ what +is╱am╱are + one’s job?


what do you do?(=what are you?/what’s your job?) i’m awaiter/policeman/docter/student.

what does tom do?(=what’s tom?/ what’s tom′s job?

) he is a student. what does tony’s father do? he’s ‘(he is) a policeman.


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