
发布 2023-03-08 22:39:28 阅读 4985


一。 1-5. cabba 6-10. aacbb 11-15. acabb 16-20. bccab

21. jim 22. a teacher 23. double 24. 500 25. (0395--)5876989

二。 26-30. bdbda 31-35. bdacd 36-40. dabcd

三.41-45. ccdbd 46-50. abcda

四.51-55. dcbda 56-60. cabac 61-65. acabd

五.66. library 67. students 68. are 69. with 70. reading

71. has 72. on 73. many 74. in 75. write

六. 76. me 77. sitting 78. careful 79. swimming 80. bob’s

七. 81-85. bcgea

八。 书面表达。

my new study

i’m very glad to tell you my family move a new house. my house is very big. there are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, a dinning room and a big study.

my f**orite room is the big study. look, there is a desk near the window, on the desk there is a lamp, there is a computer in the study, i love playing on it. next to the computer, there is a bookshelf.

on the shelf there are some books. i like reading books and do my homework there after school. oh, there is a kite and some pictures on the wall.

my study is nice, i like it. what about yours?






第四档:不符合命目要求,整篇表达不清楚,或照抄、 拼凑几个词语。0—3分。

听力材料。第一节:1. tom often comes to school on foot.

2. kangkang is playing soccer with his friends at five o'clock.

3. today is wednesday.

4. there are some apples on the tree.

5. the bookstore is between the hospital and the restaurant.

第二节: bookstore is between the hospital and the restaurant.

7. what is kate doing at home now?

8. would you like to go to the park with me?

9. you are late for class. what's the matter?

10. are there any model planes on the desk?

第三节:11. m: tom , how do you usually go to school?

w: i usually go to school by bike.

12. m: hi, king ,what do you often do after school?

w: i often do my homework with my good friend.

13. m: which subjects do you h**e this morning, jane

w: i h**e an english class, a maths class , and two chinese classes.

14. m: hi, tom ! what kind of home do you live in?

m: oh, i live in a townhouse.

15. m: excuse me , where is the children's hospital?

w: the children's hospital? it's about 5 kilometers away from here.

oh, you need to take bus no.6. it will take you there.


m: excuse me , is there a hospital near here?

w: yes , there is. go along zhongshan road , and turn left at the first crossing.

walk on until you see a white house , next to the bank. you can't miss it.

m: thank you very much.


m: your school library is wonderful. would you like to show me around?

w: sure . let's go.

m: wow. so many books. can i borrow some books here?

w: of course. but you must return them on time.

m: how many books can i borrow?

w: two books once.

m: how long can i keep them?

w: two weeks.


m: hello, green community service center. can i help you?

w: yes, please. i want to rent a room.

m: what's your name, please?

w: jim green.

m: are you a student?

w: no, i'm a teacher. do you h**e a double room?

m: yes , we do.

w: is it a room with furniture?

m: of course it is. but you can't cook in the room.

w: i see . i often eat out. how much is it per month?

m: 500 yuan per month.

w: ok, that's good. when can i move in?

m: you may come anytime. by the way, what's your telephone number?

w: 0395***

m: we'll clean it right now. when it's ready, i'll call you.

w: thanks a lot.

m: you're welcome.

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导

七年级英语作文辅导 七年级英语辅导。七年级英语作文辅导方法。一 充分准备,打好基础。为了提高初一英语作文写作水平,平时应加强阅读,多背诵一些句形 段落甚至短文。俗话说 读书破万卷,下笔如有神 只有多读,多记,多背诵,才能出口成章,下笔成文。此外,写好初一英语作文还要掌握一些应用文体的写作方法,如书信...


七年级上册。unit one good morning,everyone 1 the first lesson,we h e to give yourself a name beginning from today,you h e your own english name 2 when we se...

