
发布 2023-03-08 22:37:28 阅读 2043


module 1


1. 应仔细描述一下拾到或丢的特征。

2. 说明拾到或丢失物品的地点。

3. 说明自己的****。

foundis this your backpack(双肩背包)? it’s black. i found it on the bus.

please call kate green at 865- 7639. i am in class 2, grade7.

lostmy name is steve. my school id card. please call at 6034-685.

module 2

本模块的写作项目是练习1.表达个人能力。2. 参加班干部竟选,将自己优秀的一面表达出来,学习方面和性格及能力。

i h**e four good friends. they are daming , betty, lingling and tony. daming can speak chinese and play the piano, but he can’t dance.

betty can speak english and cook, but he can’t play table tennis. lingling can speak chinese and dance, but he can’t cook. tony can play table tennis and speak english, but he can’t speak chinese well.

( 二 )hi, everyone! my name is han mei. i am thirteen years old.

i’d like to be the class monitor. i get on well with everyone, classmates and even teachers. i work very hard, and i do well at school.

i am kind and i am always ready to help others. i can even help teachers too. choose me as your class monitor and i promise to help you!

choose me as your class your class moniter! thank you!

module 3

暑假即将到来,joan 计划在暑假做下列的事情:1.打算去乡下爷爷奶奶家呆一个月。


打算晚上复习功课和查收电子邮件。4. 计划和小伙伴们一起去野餐。

this summer holiday is coming. joan is ****** a plan for it. she is going to visiting her grandparents in the countryside.

she is going to stay a month. she is going to do a lots of things on the farm. she is going to help with the homework.

she is going to go over lessons and check my emails in the evening. she is going to h**e a picnic with her friends. she is looking forward to summer holiday.

she will h**e a good time!

module 4



my dream school in the future

what will schools be like in the future? how will things change? here are some ideas.

our school will very big and beautiful. our classrooms will h**e a computer on every one’s desk, and we can get some information from the internet. the playground will very big, we will play football and basketball after school.

the teachers will be kind and friendly to us and play with us. our homework will less and we will send our homework by email.


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