
发布 2023-03-08 19:24:28 阅读 3309

unit4 don’t eat in class

words and phrases:

1. 按时不得不清洗餐具上课迟到。

2. 出去___见我的朋友们练习吉他练习弹吉他。

3. 在外面吃饭许多规则保持安静不要打架。

4. 戴帽子考虑帮妈妈做饭整理床铺。

5. 跑着去学校太恐怖了不要制造噪音。

6. 对某人要求严格遵守规则玩的愉快。

7. don’t打架) with your classmates.

8. our school makes too many规则).

9. it’s raining在外面).

10. don’t run in the走廊).

11. it’s so吵闹的).

12. that’s恐怖的).


1. he has to go to bed at 10 o’clock. (改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)

2. i can watch tv and play computer games on weekends. (改为否定句)

3. open the door,please.(改为否定句)

4. she has to go to the library in the afternoon.(改为否定句)

5. they h**e to listen to music in the music classroom. (对划线部分提问)

6. they h**e a good time in the park.(同义句)

7. wash the clothes after lunch.(改为否定句)

8. jim has to stay at home at night.(改为一般疑问句)

9. he can play the guitar. (对划线部分提问)

10. we must keep quiet when others answer questions.(改为祈使句)

11. they must do their homework. (改为一般疑问句及肯定否定回答)

12. you can’t sleep late. (改为祈使句)

常考点:1. don’t __fight) in the hallways.

2. my mother often __wear) a blue hat in winter.

3. zhang linot h**e to ) clean her room every day.

4not talk). it’s time for class.

5. it’s important(重要的finish) your homework on time.

6. teachers want studentsfollow) the rules at home.

7. don’tbe) late for class.

8. it’s too __noise) outside.

9. my mother is __strict) with me.

10. she has to practicesing) the song in english.

11. _so fast! it’s dangerous.

a. no run b. no running c. don’t run d. doesn’t run

12. can you play __piano __weekends?

a. a ; in b. the; in c. /on d. the ;on

13. don’t talk __run in the classroom.

a. or b. and c. also d. but

14. can you go out __school nights?

a. in b. on c. at d. out

翻译:1. 你没有必要去那里。

2. 他每天练习打棒球。

3. 我晚上十点之前必须去睡觉。

4. 不要看电视了。

5. 上课不要迟到。

6. 我不快乐是因为我在家不能看电视。

7. 早上你必须早点起床。

8. 孩子们就寝的时间到了。

9. 不许抽烟。它对你的健康有坏处。

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