
发布 2023-03-08 00:13:28 阅读 3378


1. h 2. k 3. q 4. v 5. x 6. g 7. j 8. m

9. q 10. s

二 .单项选择(每小题2分,计30分)

)1. i __bob. what __this in english?

)2. i h**e __key. _key is yellow.


)4.--what color is the key?

's a key 's a yellow key. 's yellow.


)6.--good morning, frank!

'm not good, alice! alice! frank!

)7. this is __pen and that is __orange.

)8.--what's this?

is h. b. its h. is an h.

-i’m ok.

a. hi b. how are you c. what are you

)10 当你想问对方的身体状况时,应说。

a.how are you? b. hello c. good morning


a.thank. b. i’m fine. c. thanks you.

)12. 下列字母中书写体占上中下三格的是:

a. bb. fc. g

) 13. this is orange. it’s red book.

a. /ab. /anc. an; a

) 14. —hello, li mingmike!

a. good b. fine c. hello d .bye

)15.it’s ruler.it’s red.

a. a ; 不填 b. 不填 ;不填 c. 不填;a


i’m amy. i’m a black and white pen. look, this is a ruler.

it is green . and this is a book. what color is it?

it’s white. this is a key. it’s red.

this is helen. it’s a jacket. it’s blue and red.

) 16. amy is a __

a. pen b .ruler c. book d. key

) 17. the ruler is __

a. green b. blue c. red d. white

) 18. the book is___

a. black b. white c. blue d. yellow

) 19. helen is a __

a. key b. pen c. jacket d. book

) 20. the __is red.

a. jacket b. ruler c. pen d. key


hello! i’m jack. look!

(a)这是一支钢笔。 it’s yellow. and that is a key.

it’s yellow, too. (b)that’s a black ruler. and that is a jacket..

it’s blue. oh, that is a map. it’s red.






25. what color is the jacket?


a: 26 b: good afternoon, frank.

a: what’s this in english?b: 27

a: 28 b: c-u-p.

a: 29 b: it’s 30 b: that’s all right.



a: hello, eric. what’s this in english?

b: hello, frank. (1a ufo.

a: what (2is it?

b: it’s (3

a: what’s that (4english, frank?

b: it’s a (5

a: (6it, please.

b: (7a: thanks.

b: oh, the ruler is(8

a: yes, (9red.

b: (10color is your (你的) ruler?

a: my ruler is green.


1什么) is this?

2. is this a (绿色) ruler?

3. tom’s (夹克衫) is old.

4. what’s那;那个) ?

5. his (英语) is very good.

cat is (白色的).

a (被子) in the bed.

8. please (拼写) “pen”.

are helen (和) grace. 下午).



答题卡:写字母: 1 2345

二。选择题 (40分)





一 写出下列字母的左邻右舍 注意字母的大小写 10分 1.h 2.k 3.q 4.v 5.x 6.g 7.j 8.m 9.q 10.s 二 单项选择 每小题2分,计30分 1.i bob.what this in english?2.i h e key.key is yellow.3.下列那组字母的...


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