七年级英语 下 第二课

发布 2023-03-07 11:50:28 阅读 8146










tony and many are brother and sister. they h**e healthy and unhealthy babits. who is healthier?

circle the healthy activties.

hi! i’m tony. i don’t like to get up early.

in the morning, i get up at eight. then i go to school at eight thirty. i don’t h**e much time for breakfast, so i usually eat very quickly.

for lunch, i usually eat hamburgers. afrer school, i sometimes play basketball for half an hour. when i get home, i always do my homework first.

in the evening, i either watch tv or play computer games. at ten thirty, i brush my teeth and then i go to bed.

mary is my sister. she usually gets up at six thirty. then she alaways takes a shower and eats a good breakfast.

after that, she goes to school at eight thirty. at twelve, she cats lots of fruit and vegetables for lunch. after lunch, she sometimes plays volleyball.

she always eats ice-cream after dinner. she knows ti’s not good for her, but it tastes good! in the evening, she does her homework and usually swims or takes a walk.

at nine thirty. she goes to bed.


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