
发布 2023-03-05 05:56:28 阅读 3351

unit 5 topic 1

on 快点; 加油;

same to --对……也一样;

foot 步行;

plane/ bike/ the subway --乘飞机/自行车……

weekdays 在周末;

early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟有虫吃;

to --go to --on foot 走着去……

to --go to --by plane 乘飞机去……

to --go to --by car开车去……

a bus to --go to --by bus 坐公共汽车去……

computer games 玩电脑游戏;

about 知道;了解;懂得;

/ h**e a break / rest 休息一下;

one’s free time 在某人的空闲时间;

so on 等等;

books 读书;

the house 打扫房间;

the guitar 弹吉他;

times a week 一周三次;

a little while 一会儿;

topic 2

the moment = now = at the present time 现在;

hall 食堂;

course 当然;

and found 失物招领处;

the center of --在……的中间;

to = beside 紧挨着;

/ take a --class


the playground 在操场上;

well in 在某方面做得好;

for --寻找( 强调动作,find 强调结果)

11. in time 及时;

12. on time 准时;

13. talk to sb 找某人谈话。

14. talk with sb 和某人谈话;

15. talk about sth 谈论……

16. a plan of sth ……的计划;

17. plan to do sth 计划做某事;

18. at the back of --在……的后面;

19. on the left / right 在左边/右边;

20. be over 结束;

21. between --and --两者之间;

22. from --to --从……到/ 去……

23. every day 副词, 每天;

24. everyday 形容词,每天的;日常的;

25. love doing sth. =love to do sth 喜爱做某事;

26. one day (将来)某一天;

topic 3

day is it today ? it’s --询问周几?

2. outdoor activities 户外活动;

3. draw picture 画画;

4. work on = work at 从事于……

5. work on the problem 做题;

6. learn about sth 学习……

7. learn from sth / sb 向某人/物学习。

8. after school 放学后;

9. hard work 坚苦的工作;

10. work hard 努力地工作;

11. best wishes 最好的祝福;

unit 6 topic 1

1. on the + 序数词+ floor 在几楼;

2. go upstairs / downstairs 上/下楼;

3. h**e a look 看一下;

4. in front of --在……的前面(范围之外)

5. in the front of --在…的前面(范围之内)

6. play with sb 和某人一起玩;

7. what’s + 介词短语?

8. there is / are --

9. in the wall 在墙里。

10. on the wall 在墙上。

11. put --away 把收起来;

12. how many + 名词复数……?

13. how much + 不可数名词……?

14. living room 起居室。

topic 2

1. at noon 中午;

2. post office 邮局;

3. parking lot 停车场;

4. clothing store 服装店;

5. at the end of --在……的末端。

6. close to 靠近;

7. right now = at once 立即;马上;

8. what’s --like ? 询问……怎么样?(给出评价;看法)

9. for rent 出租;

10. a family of three 三口之家;

11. call sb at + **号码

12. rent sth to sb 把……租给某人;

13. keep money 存钱;

14. see the doctor 看医生;

15. hear/ watch /see/find sb doing sth ……某人正在做某事。

16. hear/ watch / see/ find sb do sth ……某人做了某事。

17. be sorry about 对……感到报歉;

18. be afraid of sth 害怕……

19. be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事;

20. be far from --离……远;

21. call sb for help 向某人求助;

22. bus stop 汽车站;

23. there is something wrong with有问题了。

24. =something is wrong with --

25. get sb to do sth 让某人去做某事;

26. move to 搬往……

27. the cost of living 生活费;


1. 问路 is there a --near here ?

2. =where is

3. =how can i get to --

4. =which is the way to --

5. =could you tell me the way to --

6. =could you tell me how to get to

7. =do you know the way to --

8. =can you find the way to --

9. go up /down /along /straight = walk on 直走;

10. go across the bridge = cross the bridge 过桥;

11. turn left / right at the +序数词 + street / crossing /turning 转弯;

12. =take the +序数词 +turning / crossing on the left / right

13. cross from 对着;

14. die in 死于……之中。

15. die of 死于(疾病;饥饿;年迈)

16. die from 死于外伤;

v. dead adj. death n. dying 分词。

18. traffic accidents 交通事故;


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