
发布 2021-05-20 18:01:28 阅读 9719


unit 5 topic 1

重点词组。去上学go to school 回家 go home去公园 go to the park 去购物/游泳 go shopping / swimming 步行 on foot 乘飞机by plane 坐火车by train 坐船 by ship 坐公共汽车 by bus 骑自行车by bike 走路去上学 go to school on foot /walk to school 乘飞机去上海 go to shang hai by plane/ take a plane to shang hai 坐公共汽车去公园 go to the park by bus/ take a bus to the park 骑自行车去上班 go to school by bike /ride a bike to school乘地铁去上学 go to school by subway/take the subway to school 开车去学校 go to school by car/drive a car to school 放学以后 after school 晚饭后 after supper 弹钢琴/吉他 play the piano/guitar 打篮球/踢足球 play basketball/football 玩电脑游戏 play computer games 在工作日 on weekdays 在周末at weekends 吃早餐/中餐 h**e breakfast / lunch上课h**e classes / lessons 上英语课 h**e an english class 看电视/电影 watch tv / movies 在某人有空的时候 in one’s free time 结束 be over

频率副词及词组:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always 一星期一次 once a week 一个月两次 twice a moth 一年三次 three times a year 每天 every day 疑问词 how often


谓语动词的形式: be- am/is/are


一般疑问句:do/does 主语 do---

否定句:主语 don’t/doesn’t do

特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句 ?

情景题:1 如果你想知道对方怎样去上学,你可以这样问:

how do you usually go to school?

2 你想知道对方通常是骑自行车上学还是走路上学,你可以这样问:

do you usually go to school by bike or on foot?

3 你想知道对方多久打篮球一次,你可以这样问:

how often do you play basketball?

4 你想知道对方放学后经常做什么,你可以这样问:

what do you often do after school?

5 你想知道对方早上起床的时间,你可以这样问:

what time do you usually get up in the morning?

6 你想告诉对方你父亲从不开车去上班,你可以这样说:

my father never goes to work by car.

7 你想知道对方放学的时间,你可以这样问:

what time is school over?


what time do classes begin?


it’s time for class.

unit 5 topic 2

重点词组。听** listen to music写信 write letters 会见朋友 meet friends画画 draw pictures 做运动 play sports 看电视 watch tv解答数学题 work on math problems 打牌 play cards 制作卡片 make cards 做作业 do one’s homework 在操场上 on the playground 在图书馆里 in the library 在健身馆 in the gym 在书架上 on the shelf/shelves 在**里 on the phone 看书/报纸 read books/news*****s 准时 on time 寻找 look for 举行足球赛 h**e a soccer game 和某人聊天 talk to --喜欢做某事 like/love doing


谓语动词的形式: am/is/are + doing


go – going play – playing

h**e – h**ing drive – driving make—****** dance—dancing

run– running swim – swimming begin – beginning plan—planning shop-shopping sit—sitting put – putting

一般疑问句:am/is/are 主语。

否定句:主语 am/is/are not doing --

特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句 ?


what are you doing?

2 你想知道对方是否正在做作业,你可以这样问:

are you doing your homework now?

3 你想知道对方正在看电视还是在画画,你可以这样问:

are you watching tv or drawing pictures?

4 你想向对方借用自行车,你可以这样问:

may i borrow your bike?

5 你想知道这些书可以借多久,你可以这样问:

how long can i keep these books?


what is your sister doing now?


kangkang is listening to music.


what class are you h**ing now?

in the evening, often usually, pooloften, zoo

unit 5 topic 3

重点词组。到家 get home 到校 get to school 每个星期四 every thursday 在星期一 on monday 在星期二晚上 on tuesday evening 与…不同 be different from 与…相同 be the same as 进行户外活动 do outdoor activities 在…与…之间 between… and… 向…学习 learn from 了解过去 learn about the past 某人最喜欢的科目/食物/季节 one’s f**orite subject/food/season 最喜欢— like --best 讨论 talk about 从---到---from---to --谢谢你做某事 thank you for --doing sth.

反义词:boring – interesting difficult – easy


what day is it today?

2 你想知道对方每周上几节英语课,你可以这样问:

how many english lessons do you h**e every week?

3 你想知道对方最喜欢的科目,你可以这样问:

what’s your f**orite subject? which subject do you like best?

4 你想知道对方最喜欢数学的原因,你可以这样问:

why do you like maths best?

5 你想知道对方对**这一科目的看法,你可以这样问:

what do you think of music? how do you like music?

6 你想告诉对方你不喜欢物理的原因,你可以这样说:

i don’t like physics because it’s boring.

7 你想告诉对方你对语文这一科的观点,你可以这样说:

i think chinese is interesting.

music classafter school, basketball dance, three times a week

now, chinese class listen, english songs look, do one’s homework

now, playgrounddo exercise, gym

unit 6 topic 1

重点词组。在第二层 on the second floor看一看 h**e a look 看一看---h**e a look at --

紧挨着 next to 在……的前面 in front of 在……的前部 in the front of 收到某人的来信 hear from sb 上楼 go upstairs 把……收起来 put --away 照顾;照看 look after 玩钢笔 play with a pen 为什么不做某事 why not do sth? 在厨房。

in the kitchen 在书房 in the study 在---的后面 at the back of 在---的中心 in

the centre of 在---的左/右边 on the left/right of 在树上 in/on the tree

写信给某人 write (a letter) to 某人。

重点句型 there be 句型表示"某地或某时间存在某人/某物"。


unit5 topic1 1 at the school gate 在学校大门口。2 look 1 看。2 看起来 系动词 3 外表。3 happy new year 新年快乐!the same to you 你也是!4 how do you usually come to school?你通常怎样...


仁爱英语七年级下册复习教案。unit 5 our school life topic 1 how do you usually come to school 二 重点短语 1.on foot go on foot walk to 2.by 交通工具 乘坐 by bus bike plane trai...


1 at the school gate 在学校大门口 2 happy new year 新年快乐!the same to you 你也是!3 how do you usually come to school?你通常怎样上学?4 by bike on a bike by car in a the ...