
发布 2023-03-04 02:40:28 阅读 9972





一、 听句子选择**:你将听到五个句子。请根据听到的内容选出五幅相应的**。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。


二、 听对话回答问题:你将听到六段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请根据听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听两遍。共10小题,计10分。


)6. what’s the boy’s name?

a. tom. b. john. c. mike.


)7. what color is mary’s ruler?

a. red. b. black. c. yellow.


)8. who is sally’s cousin?

a. jack. b. tom. c. jim.


)9. what’s linda’s cousin’s name?

a. dale. b. grace. c. mike.

)10. who is mike?

a. linda’s brother. b. linda’s cousin. c. linda’s friend.


)11. what color is tom’s bag?

a. red. b. black. c. blue.

)12. who is linda?

a. jane’s sister. b. jane’s friend. c. jane’s cousin.


)13. whose (谁的) name is on the id card?

a. jane’s. b. lucy’s. c. kate’s.

)14. who is kate?

a. jane’s cousin. b. jane’s friend. c. jane’s sister.

)15. what color is lucy’s jacket?

a. blueb. red. c. green.

三、 听短文选择答案:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题。请根据听到的短文内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。

)16. the girl’s name is __

a. sally miller b. lily miller c. sally smith

)17. the schoolbag is

a. blueb. greenc. red

)18books are in the schoolbag.

a. twob. three c. four

)19are in the pencil box.

a. a ruler and a set of keys b. two pencils and a ruler

c. two pencils and a set of keys

)20. the girl’s telephone number is __

a. 859-5425 b. 895-4525 c. 859-4525

四、 听短文填写**:你将听到一段短文,请根据听到的短文内容完成**中的有关信息。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。




26. i __a teacher. my name __frank.

a. am, am b. am, is c. is, is d. is, am

27. -how are you today? –fine

a. thank b. sorry c. hello d. thanks

28. –what’s this in english? -it’s __ruler.

a. her b. an c. a d. my

29. –what’s __name? -she’s mary.

a. she b. /c. her d. your

30it’s a black pen.

a. how are you? b. what’s this?

c. what color is it? d. what’s your name?

31. _name is mike and __name is linda.

a. his, her b. his, her c. he, my d. your, i

32. –what’s that? –it’s my __pencil.

a. a b. an c. the d./

33. –is she aliceher name is gina.

a. yes, she is. b. no, she isn’t. c. no, he isn’t. d. yes, he is.

34. –hello! i’m maryyes, i’m alan

a. what’s your name? b. what’s this?

c. are you aland. is he alan?

35. –my name is nicki’m kim. nice to meet you, too.

a. how are you? b. nice to meet you.

c. good morning d. what’s her name?

36. jim and tim are good __

a. brother b. friends c. friend d. brother and sister

37. she is jenny smith. jenny is her __name, and smith is her __name.

ab. first, last c. last, first d. full, last

38. –what’s your qq number347935678.

a. i’m b. its c. it’s d. my qq

39. –is this __car? -yes, it’s __car.

a. your, you b. your, my c. his, he’s d. her, she’s

40. –what’s this

a. this is a schoolbag. b. that is a schoolbag.

c. it’s schoolbag. d. it’s a schoolbag.

41. –is that your father? -yes, _

a. it’s b. it is c. he’s d. i am

42. –are these your books? –no

a. these are b. they are c. they aren’t d. these aren’t

43. –who’s __friend? -his friend is mike.

a. your b, her c. his d. he

44. -what color __your backpack? -it’s __black.

a. is, /b. am, /c .are, a d. is, a

45. -what’s this? -it’s an __

a. pen b. ruler c. eraser d. dictionary


this is a 46___of jim’s family. this man 47___mr. green.

48__ is jim’s father. 49___woman is mrs. green.

50___is jim’s mother. who 51___this boy and 52___girl? the 53___is jim, mr.

green’s son. the 54___is kate, mr. green’s daughter.

kate is 55___sister. jim and kate are brother and sister.


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