
发布 2023-03-01 15:44:28 阅读 1027

unit 2复习检测题。


an id cardin englishcall sb. at

excuse mehis notebook一块橡皮。




1. is this your backpack

it's it is. c. no, it not. its not.

2. how do you spell pen

is a pen . s a pen c. p--e--n d. yes, p--e--n

3. please call me __9354256.

a. in b. of c. at d. for

4. this is __eraser and that's __ring .

a. a, a b. an, an c. a, an d. an, a

5.—what's this __chinese ? it's "谢谢".

a. in b. at c. for d. of

6. sorry, this is not __ruler.

a. my a b. a my c. an d. my

7.—what's this in english ?

it's a map. b. no, it isn't an egg. c. it's an orange. d. it's english car.

8is this your ruler ?

a. excuse me b. sorry c. i'm sorry d. hello

9. your watch is very nice

a. no,it isn't . c. thank you . d. sorry

10.__gina, this is __book.

a. i'm; my b. i'm; an c. she's; his d. he's; her


1. this is an ein the pencil case.

2.—what is this in e

—it's a pen .

3. is that your cgame in the lost and found case?

4. this is a w

5. i lost my sid card.

四、根据汉语完成句子 (5分)


this is


is that yourin the lost and found case?


this isn't a book. it's


do youpen ?

5.请拨打532--9764 找alan.

please532--9764 __alan.


azhang ming .

b: hello, li ying . how are you ?

a: fine , thank you . and you?

b: i'm fine, too. excuse methis a car(小汽车) ?

a: yes , it is .

b: is it __chinese car?

a: noa japanese (日本的)car.

b: and what's that?

a: _a jeep(吉普车).

b: _do you __it?

a: j--e--e--p.



my name is ken jordan. my first name is ken. my family name is jordan.

my phone number is 303--6574. this is my basketball. what's that?

it's a notebook. it isn't my 's her notebook.

1. my last name is __

a. ken b. jordan c. ken jordan

2. my __is 303--6574.

a. telephone number b. name c. family

3. it is __basketball.

a. your

4. what's that ? it's a __

a. basketball b. book c. notebook

5. it isn't __notebook.

a. her b. my


假如jim拾到了一串钥匙,请替jim 写一份启事,**:3539495

一 )英汉互译。

his friendsthese boysher grandmother



1. these are mya father b mother c parents d parent

2. this __zhao lin, miss brown.

a is b are c am c your

3. this is __apple. those are

a a, banana b an, banana c an, banana d a ,bananas


1. look, this isi) mother.

2. these are hisparent).

3. his father __be) a teacher.

4. my friends __be) students.

(四) 据句意和汉语填空。

1. my father and my mother are my

2. this is my sister. _name is mary.

3. what are these? they are苹果)

4. those are my弟弟们).

5. your mother's mother is your



are2、那些是他们的尺子吗? 不,不是。


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