12份 七年级英语下册语法汇总 全册 复习材料新外研版

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(12份)七年级英语下册语法汇总(全册) 复习材料新外研版。

module 1 lost and found

语法精选。1. whose 谁的。



this is tina’s/her hat.

whose hat is this?


these pencils are mine.

whose are these pencils?

2. hundred与hundreds of

hundred是一个确数,表示“一百”;hundreds of是一个概数,表示“好几百的;许许多多的”。当 hundred前面有一个具体的数词时,hundred不变为复数。如:

two hundred cows两百头奶牛。

hundreds of people come here every day.


注意:当hundred与of连用时,它后面的名词和它本身都用复数。如:hundreds of cows几百头奶牛。

3. such as 比如;例如。

such as意为“比如;例如”,用于引出多个例子。如:

i like some animals such as lions and monkeys. 我喜欢一些动物,比如狮子和猴子。

注意:for example也意为“比如;例如”,用来举例说明某一论点或情况,一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,可位于句首、句中或句末。如:

for example, air is invisible.


he, for example, is a good student.


many boys like playing basketball. take me, for example.


句法精析。1. i think it’s betty’s. 我想这是贝蒂的。

i think (that)+一个完整的句子,构成含有宾语从句的主从复合句。如:

i think you can join an english language club to practise speaking english.


以i/we think...作主句,后跟宾语从句时,如果从句为否定句,一般要将其否定转移到主句,即否定转移。如:

i don’t think your sister will come tomorrow.


2. at the moment, there are also some strange things at the new york city lost and found office.


1)at the moment意为“此时此刻;现在”,相当于now,常用于现在进行时态,可放在句首或句末。如:

he is playing football at the moment.


2)strange作形容词,意为“奇怪的”,在句中常作定语或表语。作表语时常用于“it’s strange+that从句”,意为“奇怪的是……”如:

what a strange idea!多么奇怪的想法!

it’s strange that you don’t know him.








1. at the飞机场), she helps a man find his daughter.

2. some students go to school by船).

3. he meets many strange people and things at the lost and found室;处).

4. there are ten kilos of腊肠) at the lost and found office.

5. linda lost her wallet in a匆忙).

6. there are百) of people in the park on sunday.

7. my f**ourite animals are鸭子).

8为什么) do you like doing sports?

because it can help me keep healthy.

9. the man is so认真的) that he asks me so many questions.

10. i went to beijing by飞机) last week.


1. ann is my aunt. we often visit

2. these new houses are so niceare very expensive.

3. my desk is over there. this is not

4. mike is my classmateis good at pe.

5. we are in the same classclassroom is big and nice.

6. that’s a catname is mimi.

7. sam and peter, look athands. they are so dirty.

8. mary likes red clothes. the skirt may be .

9. look!the dog is running everywheredog is it?

10. our new shoes are very comfortable. what about


1. it’s not my bag. let me ask lingling, maybe it’s

2pen is this?

3. mary’s shoes are

4. mr smith is talking to a boy at theand found office.

5. is this your sweater, tom? please bewith your things.


1. people often lose things when they are in a hurry. (对画线部分提问)

people oftenthings?

2. there are also a lot of animals at the lost and found office. (改为同义句)

there areanimals at the lost and found office

3. there are some strange things at the lost and found office. (改为否定句)

therestrange things at the lost and found office.

4. he is looking for his phone, camera and watch. (改为复数句)

theylooking forphones, cameras and

5. these gloves are my father’s. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)

gloves your father’s?



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