
发布 2023-02-27 23:53:28 阅读 3417







( )girl was born __december 1990.

a. in b. at c. on d. from

)2. the yellow river is the second __river in china.

a. long b. longer d. the longest

)3. no one __in the room yesterday.

a. were b. was c. is d. are

)4. they went to school without __breakfast.

a. h**e b. has c. to h**e d. h**ing

)5. the twins __born in 1995, and li lan __3 minutes younger than her brother li hai.

a. were; was b. was; was c. were; is d. is; is

)6. who runs __bob, tom or d**e?

a. fast b. faster c. the faster d. fastest

)7. betty is interested in __photos.

a. taking b. take c. to take d. took


it was may 1st.

a. what time was it b. what day was it c. what was the date d. what is the date

)9. my brother __the army __2001.

a. join; in b. joined; in c. joins; on d. joined; on

)10. the star ferry is one of __in the world.

a. the most famous ferries b. the famous ferry

c. the famousest ferries d. the most famous ferry

)11. bob is __of the two boys . mary is __of the three girls.

a. tall; short b. taller; the shorter c.

the taller; the shortest d. tallest; the shortest

)12. -was there a big pond in front of your house?

a. yes , there were b. yes , there wasn't c. no ,there wasn't d. no , there weren't

)13. -what was john like?

a. he was 12 years old b. he was in china c. he was friendly d. he was crying

)14. it is very exciting __the nba in the usa.

a. to watch b. watching c. watch

)15. -is there __in today ' s news*****?

yes , there is.

a. anything important important c. important anything something

)16. it ' s hard __english well.

a. for us to learn b. of us to learn c. to us for learn d. for we to learn

)17. i ' m busy , so i h**e no time __

a. to play b. playing c. play d. plays

)18. she is strict __him __his study.

a. with; with b. in; in c. with; in d. in; with

)19. it __me about an hour to do my homework every day.

a. uses b. spends c. takes d. costs

)20. there is a blackboard __the wall.

a. on b. in d. to

)21. we decide __a party this sunday evening.

h**e h**e

)22. betty saw a wallet on her way to school . she __and then waited for its owner.

up it them it up

)23. _upon a time , there __a girl __gina in a village.

; is ; called b. first ; was ; call c. once ; was ; called d. one ; is ; call

)24. his aunt and uncle __in the usa in 1999, but not new.


)25. the old man __a week ago.

)26. the old man knocked___the door for a long time but __opened it.


开封市回民中学2018 2019学年第一学期月考。七年级英语。班级 姓名学号 按字母表顺序默写26个字母的大小写。26分 写出5个元音字母的大小写形式。5分 选出与下列字母意义相匹配的汉语。5分 1.sa中国 电视台。2.mb千克。3.lc不明飞行物。4.cdd 大号。5.kge 联合国。6.unf...


泗水优胜教育暑期数学培训阶段性测试题 把做错的做会,把会做的作对,相信自己是最棒的!姓名 成绩。一 选择题 本大题共6小题,每小题4分,共24分。1 如果 20 表示增加20 那么 6 表示。a 增加14 b 增加6 c 减少6d 减少26 2 的倒数是 a 3 b c 3 d 3 青藏高原是世界上...


人教新课标版初中七上期末考试试卷。一 基础知识及应用 40分 1 根据拼音写出汉字,要求正确,工整 美观。4分 k x n g y su sh ng f h 2 给下列多音字注音并组词。8分 1 散2 模。3 应4 载。3 仿照例子,根据加点字的意思,写一个含加点字的成语。4分 例 陈太丘与友期期不...