
发布 2023-02-28 15:16:28 阅读 4012


上传: 谢代讲更新时间:2013-3-4 15:39:55





二、单词拼写(找出下列单词所缺的字母,并将其编号填写在题号前的括号内)( 10分)

)1. bl___b. et c. er

)2. t___t a. ah c. hi

)3. gr___n a. ee b. or c. ar d. ea

)4. f___ne a. e b. i c. u

)5. m___a. i b. u c. n

)6. wh___a. ar b. er c. at d. ot

)7. j___ket a. ec b. ac c. oc

)8. p___p le a. el b. ur c. ol d. al

)9. q___lt a. iu b. ui c. wi

)10. plea___a. es b. se c. ss


) 1.当你在早晨上学路上遇到同学的时候,你可以说。

a.good morning! b. thanks ! c. good evening! d. good afternoon!

) 2.下列大写字母是两笔完成的是。

a.ghp b. xqp d. rko

) 3.当对方帮了你的忙后,你应该说。

a. ok b. i am ok. c. how are you ? d. thanks !

) 4.- how are you ?

a. fine, thanks. b. how are you? c. how do you do? d. nice to meet you.

) 5. 当你不认识某物时,你应用英语向别人问。

a. what’s this ? b. what this is ? c. what color is it ? d. this is what ?

) 6. -what color is it ?

a. it’s a red b. it’s an red c. it red d. it’s red

) 7. -what is this ?

a. it’s ruler b. it’s a orange c. it’s a ruler d. it’s pen

) 8. what’s this english ?

a. on b. ok c. in

it’s yellow

a. what’s this ? b. what’s color is it?

c. how are you ? d. what color is it?

)1 0.”cctv”的中文意思是

a.英国广播公司 b.中国**电视台 c.美国职业篮球协会 d.不明飞行物。

)11.― spell it , please.

a. m-a-p b. m-a-p c. m-a-p


a. 48; 3 b. 26; 3 c.48; 5 d.26 ; 5

)13. 选出不同类型的一项

a. yellow b. brown c. key d. black

) color is __jacket ? it ’s blue .

a. the b. a c. an d./

)15 hello,li ming !_mike!

a. good d .bye


) is orange. it’s red book.

a. /a b. /an c. an; a d. the ; a


1. you how are

in what english this

thanks i fine

4..it color is what

bob good

6. jacket, the, is, black




is .3.你的猫是什么颜色?

is your cat?


it’s .


(a) (b)

)1. sit down(请坐), please a. good evening.

) morning . lei!

) afternoon . fine ,thanks.

) evening. d. good morning.

) are you ? e. it’s red.

) f. good afternoon.

)7. what’s this in english? g .thank you..

)8 what color is it? h. it’s a book.


1.用英语 ’m ok



开封市回民中学2018 2019学年第一学期月考。七年级英语。班级 姓名学号 按字母表顺序默写26个字母的大小写。26分 写出5个元音字母的大小写形式。5分 选出与下列字母意义相匹配的汉语。5分 1.sa中国 电视台。2.mb千克。3.lc不明飞行物。4.cdd 大号。5.kge 联合国。6.unf...


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