
发布 2023-02-24 18:03:28 阅读 4276

七年级unit 1 dream homes测试。


1. beijing is the capital of

capital of the uk is

3is the capital of russia.

4. the capital ofis ottawa.

5. paris is the capital of

6. the capital of the usa is









you likego) skating with me this afternoon?

the studentslearn) english in their classroom.

your sister good atdance)?

4.__jimlike) english?

millieswim) across this river?


)1.(2014·四川绵阳)sally considers(把什么看作) wuhan to be her second

because she has lived here for 13 years.

( )ben is in

usa uk

( )of the following is a capital city?

york ( )white house is in


( )5.—are you from___usa? —no,i am fromcanada.

the ;

( )6is your f**ourite ,jim? —i like english best.

( )7.—look! there are so many apples in the box.

would you likeof them,tom?— yes, please. but only one.

( )8. my english teacher, miss sun, asks us to writemy dream home”after




youin the country?


mylarge and


i h**ehereis your


i”dlivea bookshop.




the eiffel tower is the most famous(著名的)tower in the world. it is in paris—the c 1 of france. it is m 2 of steel(钢铁).

it is about 320 metres t 3 and is about 7,000 tons(吨)

h 4 . it’s the symbol(象征)of paris. nobody will miss the chance(机会) v 5 it when he is in paris.

the eiffel tower has t 6 floors. the first floors is 57.6 metres f 7 the ground and the second floor is 115.

7 metres. there are r 8 on the first and second floors, so you can h 9 something there when you feel hungry. the third floor is 276 .

1metres from the ground. there is a viewing platform(观景台)on the third floor. you can s 10 60 kilometres away from here when it is fine.

there are 1,711 steps to the top. it took 300 workers 2 years to build(建造) it.


song qunjie, a 45-year-old chemistry(化学) teacher in no.5middle school in wanxian country,sichuan province, only eats one meal at noon everyday since she was twenty. but she doesn’t fell hungry all day.

in the morning she drinks some water. for lunch, she usually eats 100g of rice, 50g of meat and some pickles(泡菜). in the evening, when others are h**ing supper, she has a rest in a chair for twenty minutes.

then she goes on with her work. but song is very healthy. she looks a little fat.

her voice is loud. it is usual for her to feel ill. when someone asks her to eat more, she says,“i’ll feel terrible if i eat more.

” once at a weekend, her daughter came home. in the evening that day she ate a bowl of jiaozi with her daughter. then trouble came.

the jiaozi she ate couldn’t be digested(消化)easily. for the following three days, she ate nothing and drank noting. until the fourth day she felt a little better.

song saw many doctors, but they could not help her.

unit1 1 七年级英语

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