
发布 2023-02-23 00:19:28 阅读 5313













句子内容相匹配的图画。1. he is a pop movie star.

2. jim is from england. he’s english.3. write on the blackboard, please.

4. he is a basketball player. he is from china.


m: is this a picture?

w: no, it isn’t. it’s a map.6. m: are you from america?

w: yes. i am an american girl.

7. m: excuse me, what’s this in english?

w: it’s a blackboard.8.

m: hello, kate.

w: hello, mike. this is my friend jim.

he likes reading books.9. m:

look at the picture. who is the man?

w: i don’t know his name, but i know he is a football player. he’s english.

10. m: andy, are you in class two?

w: no, i am in class five.

11. m: how many maps are there on the blackboard?w: there are two.

12. m: are sam and helen in class three?

w: no, they aren’ are in class four. jim is in class three.13. m: who’s amy?

w: this is amy. she is english and she is thirteen years old.

14. m: how many students are there in class 15?

w: there are twelve boys and fourteen girls.



excuse me, where’s class two, grade seven?w: it’s over there.

are you new here?

m: yes, i am. my name is jack, jack white.

w: nice to meet you. my name is lily.

i’m in class two, grade seven, too. who’s that girl?m:

she’s my twin sister, are you american?m: no.

we are english.

w: this is our classroom. come in, thank you very much, lily.


is chinese. i h**e a brother. his name is jim.

we are in china now. jim and i study in the sameschool, but in different classes. we can sing and play tennis.

jim can play football, but i can’t. i can play thepiano, but jim can’t. we h**e some chinese friends.

we lovechina very 听力。

01—05 babcc06—10 bbabc11—15 bcbca16—20 bcbac

、单项选择21-25 cbdca26-30 bcbdb31-35 dadcb36-40 cdadbⅲ、完形填空41-45 bacbb46-50 abcab

、阅读理解51-55 cacbb56-60 dbcbc

、补全对话61-65 fbade


66 at weekends67 kinds of68 waiting for69 put away70 hurry upⅶ、任务型阅读71. holiday

72. visiting her aunt73. tom74. going riding75. in the parkⅷ、首字母填空。


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