
发布 2023-02-22 14:00:28 阅读 2892








) the boy doing?

a. playing with the girl. b. asking the girl questions. c. ****** chinese food.

)2. who goes shopping with the girl on sunday?

a. her friends. b. her mother. c. the boy.


) does the girl’s mother think of her job?

a. it’s busy. b. it’s hard. c. it’s fun.

) works in a post office?

a. the uncle. b. the aunt. c. the father.


) are they looking at?

a. a news*****. book c. a photo.

) does the girl want to be when she grows up?

a. a reporter. b. a doctor. c. a bank clerk.

)7. who is a teacher?

a. the girl’s mother. b. the girl’s father. c. the boy.


)8. why does julia come to china?

a. to work here. b. to visit her friend. c. to be with her parents.

) subject is julia not good at?

a. science. b. chinese. c. english.

)10. what does julia usually do after school?

a. plays football. b. goes swimming. c. goes skating.

第二节听取信息 (每小题1分,共5分)

听下面一段独白, 获取信息填入a~e的空格中。录音**两遍(此题的答案写在答卷上)


第一节单项选择 (每题1分,共10分)


( )you likesome orange juice?

a. h**e b. h**ing c. to h**e d. to h**ing

( )12. lucy lives close to her schoolshe usually walks to school.

a. because b. so c. but d. if

( )13do you usually go to bed?

at about 10 o’clock.

a. when b. where c. who d. what

( )14do you visit your grandparents?

twice a month.

a. how much b. how many c. how often d. how old

)15. the old man enjoys __in the park after supper.

a. walk b. walks c. to walk d. walking

)16. please email __your photo.

a. i b. me c. my d. mine

)17. jane isto others, so most of us want to make___with her.

a. friend; friends b. friendly; friend

c. friends; friendly d. friendly; friends

( )18. my mother doesn’t like coffee. shedrinks it.

a. always b. usually c. seldom d. often

)19. bob oftenhis mother with the housework on sundays.

a. help b. helping c. helps d. helped

)20. which is he**ierwhale orelephant?

a. a; a b. an; an c. a; an .d. an ; a

第二节语法选择 (每题0.5分,共5分)


mary is an american schoolgirl. she is now in beijing with her parents. she __21___know chinese, but she is trying __22___and speak it.

sometimes her friends don’t understand her, because she can’t speak chinese __23___

it’s saturday morning. mary __24___out. she is going to a park to see a flower show, _25___she doesn’t know how to get there.

she asks __26___chinese boy. the boy doesn’t understand __27___then she takes out a pen and __28___*****. she draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and __29___something about it.

the boy smiles and then shows mary the way __30___the park.

) doneb. doc. doesn’td. don’t

) to studyb. studyc. studying d. to studying

) goodb. goodness c. betterd. well

) gob. goesc. goingd. to go

) butb. andc. ord. so

) anc. ad. the

) sheb. hersc. she’sd. her

) someb. a piece of c. manyd. a lot

) sayb. saysc. sayingd. said

) fromb. inc. tod. at



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