
发布 2023-02-22 07:11:28 阅读 7659



一。 听句子,选择与其内容相符的**(共5小题,计5分)


二。 听句子,选择最佳答语(共5小题,计5分)


6. a. yes, i amb. yes, it isc. yes, i do.

7. a. on the tableb. a basketballc. sounds great.

8. a. it's funb. in the bedroomc. they're here.

9. a. that sounds interesting. b. that's okc. i know.

10. a. yes, i seeb. oh, it's a nice photo. c. is it ? who are they ?

三。 听小对话回答问题(共5小题,计5分)


11. what do lucy and lily h**e ?

a. eggsb. ice creamc. hamburgers.

12. what does kate like playing ?

a. tennisb. baseballc. basketball.

13. who is simon ?

a. miss yang's sonb. mr. white's sonc. mr. white's student.

14. what's under the chair ?

a. booksb. boxesc. beds.

15. where are lucy's pencils ?

a. in her pencil case. b. on her deskc. under her desk.

四。 听对话回答问题(共5小题,计5分 )


16. who has a basketball ?

a. jennyb. johnc. jim.

17. what sports do they play ?

a. volleyballb. basketballc. soccer.



18. what does tom not like to eat ?

a. fruitb. chickenc. vegetables.

19. does tom play sports ?

a. we don't knowb. yes, very often.(经常) c. no, he doesn't.

20. where is tom's mother ?

a. she's at home. b. she's in a shop. (商店) c. she's in the doctor's.( 医生的诊所)


五。 单项填空(共10小题,计10分)

从a、b、c、d 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。

21. there is___m” in the word “map”.

a. ab. thec. and./

22. —what are __books?

my new english books.

a. they; they’re b. these; they’re c. they; it’s d. there; they’re

23. —yao ming is a basketball star. he plays basketball

a. good; good b. well; good c. good; well d. nice; good

24. look, your backpack is __the chair __the floor.

a. on; inb. under; in c. under; on d. in; on

25. aunt liu __two sons. they like __soccer very much.

a. has; play b. h**e; play c. has; playing d. h**e; playing

26. here is some __do you like __

a. orange; it b. oranges; them c. orange; them d. oranges; it

27. please __these books to your sister, she is at school.

a. bringb. lookc. dod. take

28.—do you h**e a(n)__

—no, i don’t. i am only 11 years old.

a. cardc. orange d. pencil

29. sandra isn’t here this morningis she?

a. whatb. whoc. how d. where

30. —your english is very good

a. no, not good b. thanksc. i like it d. ok

六。 完形填空(共10小题,计10分)


mary and gina are english. they 31 sisters, but they like different (不同的) 32 . mary likes fruit and vegetables very much.

she likes eating apples, 33 , tomatoes and carrots. but gina 34 like fruit at all. 35 likes ice cream, hamburgers and french fries.

mary likes 36 basketball and running. 37 gina doesn’t like sports. she often 38 tv on the sofa .

she likes eating 39 of snacks (零食). so mary is 40 and beautiful, but gina is very fat .


岔河中学2010 2011年学年度七年级英语期中考试试卷。班级学号姓名得分 一 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。5分 nose is very b but his mouth is quite small.2.w is xia mei from?she is from yuncheng.green i...


七年级地理期中测试试题七年级班姓名。亲爱的同学们 经过这段时间的学习,一定积累了很多的学习经验 也掌握了好的学习方法,现在正是检验的时候。加油!一 选择题。下列各题的选项中,只有一个正确答案,请将正确答案前的字母代号填入题前的括号内。选对一题得1分,共40分 1 中国位于下列半球中的。a 东半球 南...


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