
发布 2023-02-21 07:26:28 阅读 5258

七年级英语基础检测 starter m1-2(第二周)

要求: 把答案写在答题卡上。


1.女儿___2.爸爸___3. 老师___4. 地图___5 窗户___6. 椅子___

7. 脚 __8. 手___9. 腿___10. 嘴__ 11. 鼻子___12.头发___

13. 听___14. 配对___15. 写___16. 摸___17.检查___18.七___

19.起立20. 多少___


) 1、a. can b. cap c. potato d. and

) 2、a. class b. h**e c. ask d are

) 3、a. please b. bed c. she d. eat

) 4、a. meet b. pen c. desk d. desk

) 5、a. face b. late c. gate d. want

)6 a.. five b. bike c. this d. kite

) 7、a. close b. fox c. hello d. nose

) 8、a. bus b. music c. hurry d. but

) 9、a. pair b. hair c. eight d. where

)10 a. with b. mouth c. three d. thank


)1. the class __at the classroom now. a. is b. are c. be

)2. what’s __brother’s name? a. you b. your c. yours

)3is the math lesson ?-it’s in the afternoon.

a. what b. when c. where

)4. _is my friend, li lei. a. it b. that c. .this

)5. jack is mr. smith’sa. son b. daughter c. mother

) 6. there __two apples on the table. a. is b. are c. am

).7 it is chair __english? a. on b. in c. for

)8. ―what are these?

___are bags. a. it b. these c. they

)9. -is this __arm? -yes, it is.

a. a b. an c. the

)10. -is lily fromyes, she is an english girl.

a. england b. the united states c. canada

)11. her hair __long and beautiful. a. is b. are c. the

) 12. i h**e twoa. footb. feet c. foots

) 13. -where is the boy ?

is at home. a. it b. she c. he

)1 4. h**e you gotaunts?

a. any b. some c. a

) 15. thank you __your e-mail.

a. tob. onc. for


1. what’s thisa. i am twelve years old.

2. are you a studentb. thank you.

3. good afternoon, classc. it’s a clock.

4. how are you, tomd. it is peter.

5. sit down, pleasee. yes, i am.

6. what’s your name, pleasef. i am fine, and you?

7. who is thatg. good afternoon, sir.

8. goodbye, mikeh. my name is alice.

9. nice to meet youi. goodbye, amy.

10. how old are youj. nice to meet you, too.


it’s sunday today. it is a nice day. mr.

smith is with his family. there are four people in his family. they are mr.

smith, mrs. smith, mary and jim. they are walking on a bridge.

there are some boats in the river. mr. and mrs.

smith are looking at a small boat. mary isn’t looking at the small boat. she is looking at a big boat.

it is going under the bridge. what is jim doing? oh, he is looking at a plane.

it is flying in the sky. they are h**ing a good time.


1. today is saturday, it is fine today.

)2. there are four people in mr. smith’s family.

)3. a small boat is going under the bridge.

)4. mary is looking at a plane.

)5. they are very happy.

七年级英语基础检测 starter m1-2 英语答题卡。



1.女儿2.爸爸3. 老师。

4. 地图5 窗户6. 椅子。

7. 脚8. 手9. 腿。

10. 嘴11. 鼻子12.头发。

13. 听14. 配对15. 写。

16. 摸17. 检查18.七。

19. 起立20. 多少。







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