
发布 2020-04-02 14:39:28 阅读 7895




如:she can drive, but she can’t ride a bicycle.

拓展】1)含有情态动词can的肯定句,变一般疑问句时需要把can提到主语之前;否定句是在can后加not。含有can的一般疑问句的肯定回答为:yes, 主语(人称代词主格)+ can;否定回答为:

no, 主语(人称代词主格)+ can’t。

如:—can you sing the song in english?

no, i can’t. i can’t sing the song in english.


如:—can i use your pen? —yes, you can.

3)can表示请求,用于can you…?句型中,意为“你能不能……/你可以……吗?”。

如:can you lend me your bike?

4)can表示提建议,常用于句型can i ….意为“我来(做)……好吗?”

如:can i get you something to eat?


1. john wants to j___the music club.

2. can you senglish?

3. i can play the guitar but can’t play the p___

4. can you play the v

5. he can dand sing.

6. i want to join the art c___

7. we don't often go to school in w___

8. he can pthe drums.

9. miss gao t___us english very well.

10. we want two mfor our rock band.

11. does he play __鼓) every day?

12. please告诉)me your phone number.

13. please __给看)me your photos.

14. don’t __交谈)in class.

15. do you want to go to the国际象棋)club.


1. bill can swim. (对划线部分提问bill

2. we want to join the basketball club. (对划线部分提问do you want to join?

3. can you play chess? (作否定回答。

4. he can play soccer. (改为否定句)heplay soccer.

5. i want to join the music club. (对划线部分提问do you want to join?

6.jenny wants to join the art club.(改为否定句) jennywant to join the art club.

7.peter can play basketball.(改为一般疑问句peter play basketball

8.cindy can sing and dance. (对划线部分提问cindy

can play drums. (对划线部分提问) whatdo?

can sing. i can’t dance.***一句话) i can sing i can’t dance.


1.我的哥哥喜欢拉小提琴。my brother likesthe .

2周末你有时间吗? do youon the weekend ?

3.他的钢琴弹得真好。 he plays the piano

4.他经常帮助我学习英语。 he often memy .

6.你为什么想参加艺术俱乐部呢do you want to the art club?

7. 我喜欢同人们交流,同人们一起玩游戏。 i like to __andwith people.

8.你会说英语吗? can you



11.你善于和老年人打交道吗?are youold people ?


1. “顺读法”:使用数字(__数数)。如:

7:20 seven twenty ; 8: 55 eight fiftyfive。

1. “逆读法”:使用介词(past或to)。

当分钟数≤30分钟时,使用介词分钟数+ past + 小时数”。

如:9:10 ten minutes past nine; 10: 30 half past ten;

当分钟数>30分钟时,使用介词60-分钟数)+ to + 小时数+1)”。

如: 11: 40 twenty minutes to twelve.


1)特殊时间段的表示法: 30分钟可以使用___代替;15分钟可以使用___代替。如:

5: 30 half past five; 9: 45 a quarter to ten。


3)提问时间使用: “what time is it?” 或“what's the time?”


1.用来表示动作频率的副词叫频度副词,英语中常用的频度副词及含义: _总是;一直通常),_经常有时候),seldom(很少从不) 等。

它们在程度上有区别,按频率高低排列为:always(100%)>usually(80%)>often(60%)>sometimes (40%)>seldom (20%)>never (0%)。除了这些词外,还可以用once a week(一周一次),twice a month(一月两次)等来表示频率。


如: i usually take a walk after dinner. 晚饭后我经常散步。

he never goes to school late. 他上学从不迟到。

they sometimes eat lunch at school. 他们有时候在学校吃午饭。


1) dress v.穿衣服—__n. 连衣裙—__复数)

2) brush v.刷;刷净三单形式n.牙刷。

3) tooth n.牙齿复数)(4)exercise v. &n三单形式)




5)life n.生活;生命复数形式(6)health n.健康—__adj.健康的—__adj.不健康的(反义词)


1. alicia takes a shower at 9:00.(提问划线部分。

2. mary takes a shower at 8:00.(变一般疑问句marya shower at 8:00?

3. i usually go to bed at 10:00.(变否定句)i __usually __to bed at 10:00.

4. she often runs in the morning.(对划线部分提问she often

5. i usually get up at five o’clock every day. (对划线部分提问)

you get up every day?

unit3一、 how引导的一般现在时态的特殊疑问句。


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