
发布 2023-02-19 11:45:28 阅读 2388

短语。such as比如。

these days如今;而今。

take part in…参与…

from place to place到处;各处。

get through穿越;通过。

after dark黄昏后;天黑后。

millions of很多;大量。

go abroad出国。

on earth在地球上。

communicate with…与…交流。

one another互相。

in danger处于危险中。

cut down砍掉。

care about关心。

start out small从小事做起。

do one’s best to…尽力(做某事)get tired感到疲惫。

stop…from doing…阻止…做(某事)in one’s opinion在(某人)看来。

in order of…以…的次序。

belong to属于。

safety first安全第一。

go off(警铃)响起。

show up出现。

seconds later一会儿,片刻后。

quite a few不少;相当多。

all day整天。

a packet of一盒。

in a way在某种程度上。

shake one’s head摇头。


be connected to与…相连接。



be careful of…对…小心。

on the safe side为了安全起见;以防万一。

make sure确保。

a series of一系列。

switch off关掉(开关)


answer the telephone接**。

lean out of…从…探出身。


all right确实。

run in rings绕圈跑。

stone deaf完全聋的。

at work在工作。

blow away吹走。

many a week数周,很多个星期。

right now马上。

live on…以…为生。

break the rules破例,犯规。

brush one’s teeth刷牙。




in the first place起初,一开始。

remember not to do…记得不能做…believe it or not信不信由你。

take a shower冲澡(淋浴)

take a bath洗澡(坐浴)

break up分解。

be made up of…由…组成。

turn into…变成…

from the start of…从…开始。


flow chart流程表。

come out of…从…出来。

as soon as一…就。

come on快点;赶快。

no wonder难怪;怪不得。

be sure to…一定…

句子。many thanks for…

do you h**e any plans for…?

sounds great!

h**e a wonderful weekend!

where would you like to go?

not really.

can you give me a hand?

got it.

that’s what i think too.

that’s all.

my pleasure.

how was it?

you’re telling me!

that’s great news.

in my opinion,…,you know.

can you explain that?

it was a pleasure.

does anyone want anything?

can you get me…?

not a bad explanation.

may i h**e...

here it is.

where are you going?

i must go now.

thank goodness!

are you sure?

how was your trip to…?

it was great.

sounds interesting.,i hopecould you…?

you are still on holiday,right?

excuse me,please.

could you answer a few questions,please?


thank you very much for your help.

come on,everyone.

it’s time to/for…

it’s very kind of you.

can you help me with…?


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