六年级上英语重点 带英文版

发布 2023-02-15 00:51:28 阅读 2863



早餐 breakfast 午餐 lunch 晚餐 supper/dinner

走,步行 walk 每一个 every 上午 morning/am 中午 noon 下午 afternoon/pm 晚上 evening 经常 often 容易的 easy 困难的 difficult 打扫,使…干净 clean 窗户 window 门 door 地板 floor 获得,收到 get 烹饪,做饭 cook 教 teach 开始 begin/start 寄 send 主题 subject 初级的primary 日常的 daily 生活 life 在…之后 after 分钟 minute 告诉 tell 愿望 wish 听 listen 说 speak 读 read 写 write

学习learn/study 代替 instead 明天 tomorrow 总是always 练习 practice 一直,仍然 still 完美的 perfect 在里面 inside 相当 quite 食物 food 蔬菜 vegetable 猪肉 pork 自己的 own

在外面 outside 爆米花 popcorn 说唱chant


日常生活 daily life 起床 get up 在早晨 in the morning 回家 go home 在下午 in the afternoon 在晚上 in the evening 在中午 at noon 吃早餐 h**e breakfast 吃午餐 h**e lunch 吃晚餐 h**e dinner/h**e supper去上学 go to school 看电视 watch tv 做家务 do the housework 睡觉 go to bed 做早餐 cook breakfast 散步 take a walk 教英语 teach english读故事 read stories 通过电子邮件by email 在周六 on saturdays 在周日 on sundays 看电影 see a film 上钢琴课 h**e piano lessons 弹钢琴 play the piano 在家 at home 擦窗户 clean the window 擦门 clean the door 擦地 clean the floor 在八点 at 8:00

在晚上七点 at 7:00 in the evening晚餐后 after dinner

三十分钟 30 minutes大约在九点半 at about 9:30

收到你的电子邮件 get your email 每天早晨 every morning

日日夜夜day and night向…学习 learn from


1.我在第六小学。i’m in primary six.


now let me tell you about my daily life.

3. 我在早上七点半起床。 i get up at 7:30 in the morning.

4.我在早上七点半吃早餐。i h**e breakfast at 7:30 in the morning.

5.我不在早上七点吃早餐。i don’t h**e breakfast at 7:00 in the morning.

6.九点钟开始上课。school begins at 9:00.

7.我十一点四十五分在学校吃午餐。i h**e lunch at school at 11:45.


after dinner, i watch tv for 30 minutes and do some reading.

9.你能通过电子邮件告诉我吗?can you tell me by email?

10.下午三点半放学。school is over at 3:30 in the afternoon.

11.我非常高兴收到你的电子邮件。i’m happy to get your email.

12.然后她做早餐。then she cooks breakfast.

13.她在七点钟去学校。she goes to school at 7:00.


her students often learn english by singing, chanting and playing games.


she goes home at about 5:30 in the afternoon.

16.然后她做晚餐。then she cooks dinner.


after dinner she often takes a walk with my father.

18.她给我读英语故事。she reads english stories to me.

19.你在星期六做什么?what do you do on saturdays?

20.我经常和我父母去看电影。i often go to see a film with my parents.

21.我通常上钢琴课。i usually h**e piano lessons.

22.弹钢琴难吗?is it difficult to play the piano?

23.她在星期六弹钢琴吗?does she play the piano on saturdays?

24.她在家里练习。she practices it at home.


but sometimes she helps her mum to do the housework.

26.我们应该向她学习。we should learn from her.

27.凯特在星期六做什么?what does kate do on saturdays?

28.她通常弹钢琴。she usually plays the piano.

29.跳舞猫来自伦敦。dancing cat is from london.


every morning, she starts to dance at 7:30.

31.跳舞猫仍在学校练习。dancing cat is still practicing at school.

32.她日日夜夜的跳舞。she dances day and night.

33.看!跳舞猫跳得非常好。look! dancing cat is dancing very well.

34.你午餐通常吃什么?what do you usually h**e for lunch?

35.她在早上六点钟起床。she gets up at 6:00 in the morning.

她不在早上六点半起床。she doesn’t get up at 6:00 in the morning.

36. 跳舞难吗?is it difficult to dance?

37.咪咪在晚上散步。mimi takes a walk in the evening.

38.她通常擦窗户。she usually cleans the windows.


一、单词。玩具toy 收集 collect 爱好 hobby 邮票 stamp 地图 map

颜色 colour/color 多彩的 colourful 游泳池 swimming pool

认为,想 think ** photo 种植,植物 plant 一顿饭meal

花 flower 喝 drink 布娃娃 doll 喂养 feed 饥饿的hungry 哭 cry 笑 smile 小孩 kid 婴儿 baby 友善的 kind

科学science 科学家 scientist 更多地 more 关心 care

种子 seed 观察鸟 watching bird 另一个 another

几个,少数 a few 上面 above

二、短语。一辆新的玩具汽车 a new toy car 看一看 h**e a look

收集玩具汽车 collect toy cars收集邮票 collect stamps 收集地图collect maps收集** collect picture cards

种花 plant flowers 喝中国茶 drink chinese tea 去钓鱼go fishing 做饭 cook meals 对感兴趣 be interested in 做布娃娃 make dolls

玩电脑游戏 play computer games 照相 take photos

照顾好 take good care of喂婴儿 feed the baby

家庭** family photos这张** this photo

两张** two photos 在她的生日聚会 at her birthday party

另一个地方another place 在冬天 in winter每年冬天 every winter

寻找look for 看look at 一个麦片棒a cereal bar

一杯苹果酸奶a cup of an apple yogurt

三、句子。1、请问我能看看吗? 当然可以!打开盒子看一看。

can i h**e a look, please? sure! open the box and see.

2、多么棒的一辆小汽车啊!what a super car!

3、我喜欢收集它们。i like collecting them.

4、你的爱好是什么?what’s your hobby?


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