
发布 2023-02-11 13:59:28 阅读 8635



1. 去图书馆2. 左转。

3. 三位司机4 乘公交车。

5. 买些糖果6. lots of

7. watch me8. go to see the doctor

9. open the yellow box10. play with your balloon


a. play basketball b. h**e a rest c. move d. h**e some juice e. h**e a hamburger

1su yang.

but i’m not hungry. i’m thirsty.

then. thanks, dad.

2. —shall we go and

good idea. but i’m tired. i can’tnow.

ok. let’s


)1the girlsmall eyes?

a. whose, with b. who’s, with a c. who’s, with

)2doll is this ? it’s yang ling’s.

a . who b. who’s c. whose

)3. how manydo you want? oneplease.

a. kilos, kilo b. kilos, kilos c. kilo, kilos

)4. theresome rice in the bowl.

a. is b. am c. are

)5. we can seebirds in the tree.

a. a b. lot of c. lots of

)6. it’s 8:00 in the evening . it’s time

a. go to bed b. to go to bed c. for go to bed

)7. is this busjinshan park? no , it

a. for , isn’t b. to, isn’t c. of, is

)8. something toapple juice , please .

a . eat b. drink c. h**e

)9. how much the hamburger and juice? 20 yuan .

a. are , it’s b. is , it’s c. are , they’re

)10. here’schopsticks(筷子you.

a. a ,for b. a pair of, of c. a pair of , for

四、 根据问句选答句,并将其序号填入括号内。

)1. how old are youa. five hamburgers, please.

)2. what are their jobsb. we’re ten.

)3. what do you want to be? c. they’re teachers.

)4. how much are theyd. i want to be an english teacher.

)5. something to eate. ten yuan, please.


1. climb, again, trees, don’t

2. woman, red, the, in, who’s, the , sweater

3. you, use, the, can, fork(叉子)

4. go, basketball, let’s , and, play

5. is, you, water, here, some, for


1. 让我们做出租车去车站好吗?那是个好主意。

shall we go to theby

that’s a good idea.

2. 教室的旁边有什么? 有一些自行车。

near the

there are some

3. 我的勺子在**?他们在盘子上面。

wheremy spoons ?

they arethe plate.

4. 你想要什么?我想要一杯茶。还要其他的吗?不,谢谢!

whatyou like?

i’d like aof

anything else?

no, thanks.


susan is my good friend. she’s a chinese girl. she’s eleven.

she has long hair and a small mouth. her brother jim is twelve. he has two big eyes and he’s not tall .

they like storybooks and puzzles very much.

every morning , they h**e breakfast together. susan likes a carton of milk and some biscuits for breakfast. but jim likes eggs and some orange juice in the morning.

today susan can’t find her milk. look! their cat mimi is drinking it near the table.

perhaps she wants to h**e a nice breakfast, too!

)1. susan is my friend.

)2. jim is a short boy with big eyes.

)3. they like storybooks and puppets very much.

)4. susan would like some orange juice and biscuits for her breakfast..

)5. mimi is drinking some milk on the table.


一 写出五个元音字母。二 英汉互译。1.坐公共汽车2.交通规则 3.直走4今天晚上 5.漫画书6.明信片 school8.打扫房间 a near a lake 三 单词默写。1.经 乘2.脚 3.自行车4.公共汽车 5.火车6.飞机 7.船 舰8.地铁 9.怎样10.上学 11.然后12.第五 13...


选择题。至少加上 才能被3整除。的约数有 个。3 把5千克梨平均装在9个筐里,每筐装这些梨的 每筐梨重 千克。35立方米 立方分米 1200毫升升。5 分母是10的所有最简分数的和是 判断题。1 长方体的六个面一定都是长方形。2 能同时被 整除的最小的三位数是120。3 偶数都是合数。4 两个分数的...

六年级作文 天天快乐

六年级作文 天天快乐。电视台12套有一档节目,叫做 天天快乐 我每次都按时收看 有趣的幽默笑话剧,令人捧腹的故事。天天快乐,不仅仅是一档电视节目的名称,还是塑造完善人生的基石。天天微笑着面对世界,会发现每一朵花儿都带着晶莹的露珠向你招手 每一次黎明的霞光,每一次黄昏的落日,都在把自己最美丽的一面向你...