
发布 2023-02-06 18:54:28 阅读 5982




t hen 2. st d dr m

4. b thr ach r ken

k ce g table


b, l, a, e

o, e, m

r, o, k, f

a, r, i, c o, d, o

9. c,h,n,k,i,e,t


1、who is the bhe is my brother.

2、is amy a quiet gyes, she is .

3、miss white is a t___

4、is mike a syes, he is .

5、the b___is in the shelf .


)1. kite big2. cute cut

)3. dog box4. pig rice

)5. nose note6. use up

) 7. cat bag8. dad . hate

)9..cake b. b make


﹚1、a、long b、short c、friend d、big

﹚2、a、music b、english c、painting d、thin

﹚3、a、light b、egg c、window d、board

﹚4、a、desk b、tall c、strong d、thin

﹚5、a、like b、 tall c、quiet d、thin

﹚6、a、ruler b、one c、twenty d、fifty

﹚7、a、thirty b、bag c、book d、pen

﹚8、a、science b、notebook c、english_book d、story_book

﹚9、a、boy b、girl c、teacher d、fan

﹚10、a、door b、picture c、student d、board


﹚1、__is that woman? she is my mother.

a、what b、who c、why

﹚2、are they in the kitchen ?

a、yes, they are. b、yes, it is. c、no, they are.

﹚3、where is my kite?.

a、it's on the is your kite. c、yes, it is .

﹚4、__old are you? i am 9.

a、 where b、what c、how

﹚5___colour is it?

a、what b、where c、 who

( )6.what’s twenty –five and twenty

a.fifty-five. b. fifty. c. forty-five.

) 7.__i h**e some rice, please?

a.would b. do c. can

) 8.朋友到你家作客,你叫他们随便吃些食物,你应该说:

a.let me help you. b. eat some beef, please. c. help yourself.

( )9.你请别人让路时,你会有礼貌地说:

a.excuse me. b. i’m sorry. c. after you.

) 10.别人向你说,“thank you.” 你应回答:

a. you’re welcome. b. it’s ok. c. all right.

七 、根据a栏所给的内容在b栏中找出合适的答句。(10分)

iab)( )1. what would you like for dinner? a. yes, please.

)2. where’s my momb. soup and vegetable.

) 3. what’s in the classroom? c. she’s in the kitchen.

)4. can i h**e some rice? d. i’d like some noodles.

) 5. what’s for lunche. many desks and chairs

iiab) ) 1. what colour is your schoolbag? a. bye.

)2. what’s her nameb. he’s zhang peng.

)3. who’s your friendc. no, they aren’t.

)4. see you tomorrowd. it’s purple.

) 5. are they keyse. her name’s amy.


i am mike. i h**e a new friend . he is a chinese boy .

his name is zhang peng. he has black eyes and short hair . he is tall and strong.

he likes painting. he paints well. he is my best friend.

﹚1、mike's best friend is an english boy .

﹚2、zhang peng is not tall and strong.

﹚3、zhang peng paints well.

﹚4、zhang peng has black eyes and long hair.

﹚5、zhang peng is a chinese boy.


1、 i,a, schoolbag, h**e, new

2、uncle, my , a, is, doctor

3、let, sweep, me , floor , the

4、is, she, kitchen, the, in

5、has、 he 、glasses、 blue 、and、 are 、 his 、 shoes

七 、根据a栏所给的内容在b栏中找出合适的答句。(10分)

iab)( d ) 1. what would you like for dinner? a. yes, please.

c )2. where’s my momb. soup and vegetable.

e ) 3. what’s in the classroom? c. she’s in the kitchen.


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