
发布 2023-02-03 08:43:28 阅读 8633


some pictures. then she __to the concert. she __the piano beautifully.

sheⅰ请把下列单词与其相对应的汉语意思划线连接起来,共30分。__with amy happily. she __the concert.

it was __tr**el星期二lesson美味的ⅳ根据交际情景,选择正确的英语句子,共10分,每小题1分)bad海报welcome携带(过去式)1. _you take your kite? no, i __

postcard旅行delicious一节课a. willwillb. willwon’tc.

willwon’tthursday坏的carried欢迎2. lingling __a headache yesterday.

poster明信片our天气a. hadb. 胃疼tell头疼。

3. yesterdayi___

shy害羞的fell落下(过去式)a. swimmingb. went swimmingfly为什么well健康的4.

_happened to your head, daming?


stomach ache飞headache告诉a. whob. 阅读下列问句,然后划线同其答句连接起来,注意:

答句中有两5. it will __in london tomorrow.


a. be you at home yesterday?a. yes,he was.

6. today sam __a fever.

he take his ball?b. it’s jack’s h**e gotb.

has gotc. had will they do on sunday?c.

no, i wasn’t.7. last sunday grandma __in the park.

pen is it?d. no, i’m not.

a. didn’twalkedb. doesn’twalkc.

didn’ are they? will go swimming.8.

was he strong then?yes, _

f. they are my parents.

a. iwasb. hewerec. hewasg. no, he won’t.

9. i wasn’t out yesterday. i was __

读下面各题,在横线处填上适当的单词,每空一词,共20分。a. at schoolb.

at the zooc. did you __here on foot ? no, i __by bus.

a. come , cameb. came , comesc.

comes , cameyesterday was lingling’s birthday. mum __a cake for her. it’sⅴ圈出括号内正确答案,使句子通顺。



1. sam and amy will __play , playing ) basketball.

第1页。2. they are __doing , do ) their homework now.

3. the children __aren’t , weren’t ) tall then.4.

it __will cold , will be cold ) in moscow tomorrow.

5. my teacher is __going to fly,fly ) a kite in the park next saturday.ⅵ阅读理解,10分。

a.选词填空( is,was,are,were )amy: who are they , lingling ?

lingling: they are my grandma and __young yes , now they are old .amy:

who is that little girl ?lingling:it’s me !

i __two your hair __so yes , now my hair __long .amy: ahhh .

you __so cute.

mum: yes , but she __very naughty , too .b.根据对话内容判断对错。

1. they were old then.()2.

lingling was very naughty , then .(3. my hair wasn’t short then.

()4. i was two then .(读一读短文并回答问题。


yesterday sam and daming went to the park. daming wen for a bike ride inthe park. then they were hungry and thirsty.

so they bought a watermelon.

watermelon bumped daming’s head. then sam took daming and the watermelonto the hospital!

1、where did they go yesterday?

2、what did they do yesterday?

3、how did they feel (感觉)?

4、what did they buy ?

5、what happened to daming’s head?



四年级下册期末测试。some pictures.then she to the concert.she the piano beautifully.she 请把下列单词与其相对应的汉语意思划线连接起来,共30分。with amy happily.she the concert.it was tr e...


精品文档。五年级英语期末测试。姓名班级等级。一 将下列单词补充完整。1 ch ese中国人的2 fi d找到3 br ng带来4 san wich三明治5 tr ditional传统的6 dicary词典7 ham urg r汉堡8 g ve给9 t nig t在今晚10 brfast早餐。二 写出...


2015 2016学年四年级上册英语期末试题。班级姓名。一 连线。将英语单词和它相应的中文意思连接起来。5分 1 获胜者a dumpling 2 明天b winner 3 跳高c tomorrow 4 饺子d high jump 5 龙e dragon 二 找出每组中与其他不同的一个,将其字母序号写...