四年级下册英语试题 暑假综合练习 十三 湘少版含答案

发布 2023-02-03 08:44:28 阅读 6095




___table cake

___she ten

___jam apple

___he three


me your pencil.

monkey has a long tail. the rabbit(兔子) has a short tail.


he has glasses.

some juice.


i h**e a cake, please

you are.

nature park isbeautiful.

do you h**e?

b:i h**e rulers.

10.—_can we get to the park?

go straight please.

mother do


jack and pingping are in the same c___

m thirsty. i would like some t___

14.—what do you h**e for dinner?

i h**e some鸡肉)and鱼肉).


a: very well, thanks. b: nice to meet you.

c: good morning, miss white. d: nice to meet you, too.


18.① is ② the ③ short ④ man

wrong is

on, light, turn, please(,)连词成句)

work, to, mother, my, bus, by(.)连词成句)

the, please, close (.连词成句)


23.—are theyapple/apples)?

yes, they are.



liu tao: what's the time now, yang ling?

yang ling: it's four thirty. it's time to go home.

liu tao: it's raining(下雨).where is my umbrella?

yang ling:look!there's a red umbrella under the desk.

liu tao:that isn't my umbrella.

yang ling:there are four umbrellas near the blackboard. which one is yours(你的),liu tao?

liu tao:the blue one. thank you, yang ling.

yang ling:shall we go home together?

liu tao:great!let's go.

1)what time is it now

2)where are yang ling and liu tao

the the the supermarket

3)is there an umbrella under the desk

it there there isn't.

4)how many umbrellas are there in the classroom

are are are six.

5)what colour is liu tao's umbrella



范文:my birthday is on 7th september. i want to h**e a “blue party”.

blue is my f**ourite colour. my friends can bring some blue things to my party. we h**e blue cake, some juice and some biscuits.

we can sing and dance.

参*** 一、音标题。

1. t;f;t;t


2. 正确 3. 正确 4. 正确 5. 正确 6. 错误


7. b 8. b 9. a 10. a 11. a


12. class 13. tea 14. chicken;fish 15. i;t 16. stop


17. b六、连词成句。

19. what is wrong?

20. turn on the light, please.

21. my mother goes to work by bus.

22. please close the door.


23. apples


24. (1)b(2)a(3)b(4)b(5)c


25. my birthday is on 5th may. i want to h**e a big birthday party.

i invite all my classmates to my party. my mother cooks delicious food for father buys a lot of things for my party. we sing and dance in the party.

we eat delicious birthday cake and drink juice. i also get many presents. how happy we are!

i also get many presents.


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